WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.454 [countdown beeps] 00:00:04.464 --> 00:00:07.656 >> It's 0:100 hours Pacific Time. 00:00:07.666 --> 00:00:11.649 In Riverside, California the clock is ticking on a new day. 00:00:11.659 --> 00:00:15.510 A day that'll see literally tens of thousands of air and Marine movements 00:00:15.520 --> 00:00:19.300 across and within the borders of the United States. 00:00:19.310 --> 00:00:23.738 Most are routine, well-documented, perfectly legitimate. 00:00:23.748 --> 00:00:29.618 A handful, however, are more suspicious, sinister and potentially deadly. 00:00:29.628 --> 00:00:33.834 They travel in secret but they do not go unseen. 00:00:33.844 --> 00:00:37.645 This is AMOC, the Air Marine Operations Center, 00:00:37.655 --> 00:00:43.307 a center of excellence within U.S. Customs and Border Protections Office of Air and Marine. 00:00:43.317 --> 00:00:52.800 And here every hour of every day the men and women of AMOC stand watch, 24 hours on the line. 00:00:53.500 --> 00:01:05.500 [Music] 00:01:06.132 --> 00:01:12.522 >> The Air Marine Operation Center is the nation's law enforcement air interdiction center. 00:01:13.621 --> 00:01:17.126 It's working with the intelligence folks are able to do targeting. 00:01:17.136 --> 00:01:21.403 It's working with the investigators and we're able to connect that with law enforcement 00:01:21.413 --> 00:01:24.964 and making sure that we're getting them in the right place at the right time 00:01:24.974 --> 00:01:28.349 to put the handcuffs on the bad guys. 00:01:28.359 --> 00:01:31.124 >> But making that happen is getting harder. 00:01:31.134 --> 00:01:36.389 Throughout the night, detection enforcement officers monitor over 250 sources, 00:01:36.399 --> 00:01:42.789 ATC and approach control radars, military radars, satellites, aero-stat radar balloons 00:01:43.068 --> 00:01:46.177 and a variety of airborne surveillance, 00:01:46.187 --> 00:01:52.577 including P3 Orion Radar aircraft and predator unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS's. 00:01:53.833 --> 00:01:57.007 But as important as the resources and technology are, 00:01:57.017 --> 00:02:02.857 it's the knowledge and experience of the people watching these screens that accomplish the mission. 00:02:02.867 --> 00:02:06.707 They represent different agencies: CBP, Coast Guard, 00:02:06.717 --> 00:02:10.890 the Federal Aviation Administration, the Air National Guard. 00:02:10.900 --> 00:02:13.190 And different backgrounds. 00:02:13.200 --> 00:02:16.597 They are dedicated, skilled and smart. 00:02:16.607 --> 00:02:20.250 And today, as every day, they know that somewhere 00:02:20.260 --> 00:02:23.411 hidden among the thousands of legitimate radar signatures, 00:02:23.421 --> 00:02:26.013 there will be something wrong. 00:02:26.023 --> 00:02:29.531 Something that demands a closer look. 00:02:29.541 --> 00:02:34.146 >> What our folks are doing every day, they look at 8 to 10,000 targets 00:02:34.156 --> 00:02:39.484 at any instant in time in trying to pluck the needle out of the haystack. 00:02:39.494 --> 00:02:45.517 >> So every exception is regarded as a potential threat. 00:02:45.370 --> 00:02:47.469 0600. 00:02:47.479 --> 00:02:49.279 The morning watch team arrives. 00:02:49.289 --> 00:02:54.303 Detection enforcement officers, the communications group and Intel specialists. 00:02:54.313 --> 00:02:57.946 >> It's very chaotic some days, most days as a matter of fact. 00:02:57.956 --> 00:03:01.903 Obviously if you're working a watch which would be providing the support to the floor, 00:03:01.913 --> 00:03:04.134 you're going to be using the AMOC system. 00:03:04.144 --> 00:03:08.724 Additionally we use a variety of different databases in order to provide the information we need. 00:03:08.734 --> 00:03:12.255 >> The intelligence team makes the work of AMOC unique. 00:03:12.265 --> 00:03:15.941 AMOS, the Air and Marine Operation Surveillance System, 00:03:15.951 --> 00:03:21.534 is the most advanced law enforcement air and Marine surveillance system in the United States. 00:03:21.544 --> 00:03:25.267 This state-of-the-art technology, together with real time analysis, 00:03:25.277 --> 00:03:29.146 communications capabilities and years of combined experience 00:03:29.156 --> 00:03:35.546 make AMOC Intel among the most effective in Federal law enforcement. 00:03:37.002 --> 00:03:39.858 >> 950, this is Omaha 1-0. 00:03:39.868 --> 00:03:42.693 I've got a group of 12 at position 00:03:42.703 --> 00:03:44.683 >> 10:46 hours. 00:03:44.693 --> 00:03:51.083 High above the Rio Grande, an unmanned predator bee out of Arizona patrols the Southwest border. 00:03:51.140 --> 00:03:57.530 Below shadowy figures wait in the cover of the underbrush for a quick sprint and a promise of illegal entry. 00:03:58.371 --> 00:04:01.436 >> I've tried to coordinate with Omaha 3-2-0. 00:04:01.446 --> 00:04:03.460 Stand by. 00:04:03.470 --> 00:04:09.860 >> The pilot of the UAS finds he's out of radio contact with the CBP team aboard a nearby Black Hawk U860. 00:04:11.005 --> 00:04:15.961 So he turns to the communications capabilities of AMOC to direct this interdiction. 00:04:15.971 --> 00:04:18.951 >> 950 at 3-2-0, go ahead. 00:04:18.961 --> 00:04:21.959 >> Omaha 3-2-0 from X Ray 950. 00:04:21.969 --> 00:04:28.359 Received a report from Omaha 1-0 of a group of 12 individuals northeast bound at the following location. 00:04:30.340 --> 00:04:35.019 >> The trickledown effect of them coming in illegally, it's everywhere. 00:04:35.029 --> 00:04:36.653 No one prospers. 00:04:36.663 --> 00:04:39.941 So you're protecting them as well as protecting U.S. assets. 00:04:39.951 --> 00:04:43.851 >> 950, Omaha 1-0's reporting agents are on the scene. 00:04:43.861 --> 00:04:46.542 A group of 12 are in custody. 00:04:46.552 --> 00:04:48.545 >> Omaha 1-0, X Ray 950. 00:04:48.555 --> 00:04:50.395 Copy all agents on the scene. 00:04:50.405 --> 00:04:51.472 Subjects in custody. 00:04:51.482 --> 00:04:54.817 Over. 00:04:54.661 --> 00:04:56.242 >> 13:50 hours. 00:04:56.242 --> 00:04:59.313 >> POTUS is in D.C., will be... 00:04:59.313 --> 00:05:03.369 >> In the watch briefing, the supervisor gives DEO's their assignments 00:05:03.379 --> 00:05:07.466 and the team hears updates from communications and intel. 00:05:07.476 --> 00:05:10.908 >> All right, let's go to work. 00:05:13.454 --> 00:05:18.299 >> At each station, DEO's hand off to the incoming team with a quick summary 00:05:18.309 --> 00:05:23.690 of the morning's activities and the watch goes on. 00:05:23.700 --> 00:05:28.818 Into the evening hours traffic over and around the continental U.S. builds: 00:05:28.828 --> 00:05:32.597 general aviation, commercial and military aircraft. 00:05:32.607 --> 00:05:35.305 Domestic and international vessels. 00:05:35.315 --> 00:05:40.053 From Bar Harbor to San Diego, United States airspace and border waterways 00:05:40.063 --> 00:05:45.868 will see over 150,000 operations in this day alone. 00:05:45.878 --> 00:05:49.454 It's a lot of movement to conceal criminal activity. 00:05:49.464 --> 00:05:52.674 A lot of haystack for the needle to hide in. 00:05:52.684 --> 00:05:54.207 >> Supe! 00:05:54.217 --> 00:05:55.293 >> Yes? 00:05:55.303 --> 00:05:56.752 >> I got a primary. 00:05:56.762 --> 00:05:58.067 >> 19:40 hours. 00:05:58.077 --> 00:05:59.986 >> Looks like he's going towards Tucson. 00:05:59.996 --> 00:06:01.618 I checked Nogales 00:06:01.628 --> 00:06:06.560 >> The DEO in the Southwest station is tracking an unidentified target over Western Mexico, 00:06:06.570 --> 00:06:08.811 just minutes from the U.S. border. 00:06:08.821 --> 00:06:13.373 In consultation with AMCO intel specialists and law enforcement advisors, 00:06:13.383 --> 00:06:17.709 the supervisor determines that this is a possible short landing. 00:06:17.719 --> 00:06:20.521 The aircraft lands in Mexico close to the border 00:06:20.531 --> 00:06:26.921 and offloads its illicit cargo to be transported into the U.S. in vehicles or on foot. 00:06:27.234 --> 00:06:33.624 The best place to stop this operation is where the plane touches down, before the contraband hits the road. 00:06:33.670 --> 00:06:36.277 >> Get ahold of the officials from the Mexican government. 00:06:36.287 --> 00:06:37.630 >> Roger that. 00:06:37.640 --> 00:06:42.421 >> With a call to the liaison at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, the wheels are set in motion. 00:06:42.431 --> 00:06:46.822 Telephone, radio and satellite communications enable instant access 00:06:46.832 --> 00:06:50.971 to units of Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations, 00:06:50.981 --> 00:06:55.819 Border Patrol, the Air and Marine branches, local and state law enforcement, 00:06:55.829 --> 00:06:59.859 as well as agencies of the Canadian and Mexican governments. 00:06:59.869 --> 00:07:06.259 >> We have 186 UHF radios, 58 VHF radios, 5 HF's and 5 sat-coms. 00:07:08.154 --> 00:07:14.085 Also we have a total of 264 no-rad and FAA radars that get fed into here. 00:07:14.095 --> 00:07:16.705 >> With the powerful communications tools of the AMOC, 00:07:16.715 --> 00:07:19.453 law enforcement agencies throughout North America 00:07:19.463 --> 00:07:25.108 can coordinate operations that strike at the very heart of this deadly trade. 00:07:25.118 --> 00:07:30.634 >> Supe, Mexican government just called and said that reportedly the aircraft crashed 00:07:30.644 --> 00:07:35.951 and there's preliminary reports that the aircraft may have been torched. 00:07:35.961 --> 00:07:39.814 Ground units have apprehended one pickup truck. 00:07:39.824 --> 00:07:44.227 They have an approximate amount of 900 pounds of marijuana. 00:07:44.237 --> 00:07:47.205 >> Good job. 00:07:47.205 --> 00:07:50.295 >> 21:58. 00:07:50.305 --> 00:07:52.878 The watch changes once more. 00:07:52.888 --> 00:07:56.571 Throughout the hemisphere the work of the Air and Marine Operations Center 00:07:56.581 --> 00:08:00.772 goes on around the clock every day of the year. 00:08:00.782 --> 00:08:07.172 Today's operations are done, criminals are caught, potential terror attacks are thwarted for another day. 00:08:07.264 --> 00:08:12.832 The skies are safer, the borders more secure, but the job never stops. 00:08:12.842 --> 00:08:17.463 Tomorrow is coming and with it another skirmish in the battle, 00:08:17.473 --> 00:08:23.863 a different threat on the frontier, another 24 hours on the line. 00:08:23.863 --> 00:08:33.406 [Music] 00:08:33.406 --> 00:08:40.194 [countdown beeps]