WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:13.700 [Music] 00:00:13.700 --> 00:00:17.697 Over the last ten years there has been a shift in this agency. 00:00:17.707 --> 00:00:23.697 In how we view trade and how we're prioritizing the safety of those products to the American consumer. 00:00:25.239 --> 00:00:29.908 I think a glowing example of that can be seen here at the Commercial Targeting and Analysis Center. 00:00:29.918 --> 00:00:32.873 Products that we use every day that are imported 00:00:32.883 --> 00:00:37.261 are directly tied to the work that we're doing here at CTAC. 00:00:37.271 --> 00:00:42.798 We've allowed eight different agencies to come in and be co-located with us here. 00:00:42.808 --> 00:00:48.224 We've been able to streamline a lot of processes that were very difficult to navigate prior to. 00:00:48.234 --> 00:00:52.705 We're much better positioned today than we were this time last year 00:00:52.715 --> 00:00:56.357 or two years ago or five years ago or ten years ago. 00:00:56.367 --> 00:01:01.001 From the American public's perspective they should have confidence in knowing that 00:01:01.011 --> 00:01:04.239 the products that they buy and use every day are safe. 00:01:04.249 --> 00:01:07.351 I look at products differently now than I ever did. 00:01:07.361 --> 00:01:09.806 There's so much more still to do, 00:01:09.816 --> 00:01:14.692 I hope that ten years from now we're light years beyond where we are today. 00:01:14.702 --> 00:01:17.701 But, it is with a great sense of satisfaction 00:01:17.711 --> 00:01:20.583 that can walk down the toy aisle or the grocery aisle 00:01:20.593 --> 00:01:23.195 and know that these products are safe 00:01:23.205 --> 00:01:26.886 and that they did have to undergo scrutiny from not only CBP 00:01:26.896 --> 00:01:30.062 but the partner agencies here at CTAC. 00:01:30.072 --> 00:01:33.000 [Music]