WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:07.660 intro music 00:00:07.670 --> 00:00:11.736 Ph...Th... alate, that's what they call a phthalate. 00:00:11.746 --> 00:00:18.299 They were flagged at the ports for possibly having phthalate content in the doll heads. 00:00:18.309 --> 00:00:21.573 It's a banned element and substance in toys. 00:00:21.583 --> 00:00:23.628 It's basically a plasticizer. 00:00:23.638 --> 00:00:25.511 It makes things soft and pliable. 00:00:25.521 --> 00:00:27.488 If it is intended for children, 00:00:27.498 --> 00:00:31.411 it has to meet the strictest Federal safety requirements here in the United States. 00:00:31.421 --> 00:00:37.726 We were able to accomplish ten seizures of unsafe toys at eight of our port of entrys. 00:00:37.736 --> 00:00:40.961 And CBP and CPSC worked together to seize 00:00:40.971 --> 00:00:44.615 hundreds of thousands of dolls that contain phthalates. 00:00:44.625 --> 00:00:48.428 We have a banned phthalate, which is nicknamed DEHP. 00:00:48.438 --> 00:00:50.751 This is one of our targeted phthalates. 00:00:50.761 --> 00:00:53.255 So, this is in violation of the law. 00:00:53.265 --> 00:00:55.795 Well, they're regular sized dolls, 00:00:55.805 --> 00:01:00.210 that any parent would purchase off the shelf for their little girl. 00:01:00.220 --> 00:01:02.661 This is an optimum time for parents 00:01:02.671 --> 00:01:05.595 to also think of the safety of the toys they're buying. 00:01:05.605 --> 00:01:07.945 The safety of the products, y'know, 00:01:07.955 --> 00:01:11.257 toys that I'm purchasing and giving to my daughter at Christmas, 00:01:11.267 --> 00:01:16.275 I wanted to have that confidence that these toys were safe. 00:01:16.285 --> 00:01:19.088 We want to continue working as we have, with Government agencies, 00:01:19.098 --> 00:01:23.332 Medical professionals, consumer organizations and other experts, 00:01:23.342 --> 00:01:25.667 so that we are continually making sure that 00:01:25.677 --> 00:01:28.880 we know everything we can in order to make toys as safe as possible. 00:01:28.890 --> 00:01:34.620 In my capacity, I want to help ensure that for other consumers, other parents out there. 00:01:34.630 --> 00:01:38.207 And by working together, we kept children safe in this instance. 00:01:38.217 --> 00:01:41.985 That's why it's so important that we have a partnership with CBP. 00:01:41.995 --> 00:01:45.424 A partnership, where we can use each other's resources 00:01:45.434 --> 00:01:49.917 to target cargo that may contain violative products. 00:01:49.927 --> 00:01:53.824 Identify those products early, pull them over when they come into port, 00:01:53.834 --> 00:01:58.517 inspect the containers and stop dangerous products from getting on store shelves. 00:01:58.527 --> 00:02:03.793 Protect American consumers from unreasonable risk and harm helps me sleep at night, 00:02:03.803 --> 00:02:06.165 it helps them sleep better at night. 00:02:06.175 --> 00:02:09.048 It's a win for CBP. It's a win for CTAC. 00:02:09.048 --> 00:02:14.542 It's a win for the CPSC, and ultimately, it's a win for the consumer. 00:02:14.542 --> 00:02:18.000 closing music