WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:07.820 [Music] 00:00:07.830 --> 00:00:13.092 [Sit! Gift! Who's a baby! ! Whoo ooo! ] 00:00:13.102 --> 00:00:15.657 Well, here at the Center, we are pretty self-sufficient. 00:00:15.667 --> 00:00:18.753 We have a full-time Veterinarian; CBP Veterinarian. 00:00:18.763 --> 00:00:23.453 She has a full operating room, X-Ray machines and everything she could need, right there. 00:00:23.463 --> 00:00:25.653 Everybody wants a job that they enjoy, 00:00:25.663 --> 00:00:28.880 and there's really not a whole lot better than to come in and hang out with dogs. 00:00:28.890 --> 00:00:31.466 I mean, they're pretty easy to get along with, on most days. 00:00:31.476 --> 00:00:34.612 They come with no preconceived notions of you. 00:00:34.622 --> 00:00:37.616 We consider ourselves part of the supportive mission. 00:00:37.626 --> 00:00:42.668 What we do is, we take care of preventative medicine, health care, vaccines, deworming; 00:00:42.678 --> 00:00:45.585 if there's minor sicknesses. 00:00:45.595 --> 00:00:47.941 Basically, we want to have a dog that's physically fit 00:00:47.951 --> 00:00:51.383 to do a very intense job for as long as possible. 00:00:51.393 --> 00:00:53.363 We work around their schedule. 00:00:53.373 --> 00:00:55.779 It's a very compressed schedule for them to be in training. 00:00:55.789 --> 00:00:58.357 If we need to do a procedure on a dog, we'll work and say, 00:00:58.367 --> 00:00:59.990 "Oh, just bring it down when you're done training, 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:02.465 or if we can get it for an hour or so before you go out?" 00:01:02.475 --> 00:01:06.440 We try to do that, so that the dog can remain in the class. 00:01:06.450 --> 00:01:09.042 They do so many different things with them each and every day, 00:01:09.052 --> 00:01:13.833 that they just can't take days off and have that dog be able to graduate with their handler. 00:01:13.843 --> 00:01:15.868 There's always something you haven't seen before. 00:01:15.878 --> 00:01:19.093 You have different challenges with working dogs than you do with your pet. 00:01:19.103 --> 00:01:21.992 Their reward isn't a paycheck, in your and I's sense. 00:01:22.002 --> 00:01:25.424 The dog's we are using today, they've got a single purpose, a single focus, 00:01:25.434 --> 00:01:27.423 they're out there looking for that toy. 00:01:27.433 --> 00:01:28.948 They don't care about the people around them, 00:01:28.958 --> 00:01:30.549 they don't care about anything around them, 00:01:30.559 --> 00:01:33.620 all they care about is searching for that reward object 00:01:33.630 --> 00:01:38.491 and following that handler to help them look for that reward object. 00:01:38.501 --> 00:01:42.660 They basically will want to do their job before they care about much else in the world. 00:01:42.670 --> 00:01:45.829 These dogs are so intense and so excited to do the job they do 00:01:45.839 --> 00:01:48.848 that you have to protect them from themselves sometimes. 00:01:48.858 --> 00:01:51.407 There's a lot of pet dogs out there that could do this job... 00:01:51.417 --> 00:01:53.177 but they're few and far-between. 00:01:53.187 --> 00:01:55.492 [Music]