WEBVTT 00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:12.313 [Dog barking] 00:00:12.323 --> 00:00:17.650 Jeff Gabel: Well we train dogs to deploy on the borders at ports of entry. 00:00:17.660 --> 00:00:22.346 We do airports, sea ports, the dogs are detection dogs 00:00:22.356 --> 00:00:26.959 so they'll work either narcotics or currency and firearms. 00:00:26.969 --> 00:00:30.901 We train supervisors and canine officers. 00:00:30.911 --> 00:00:33.962 They'll come to the training center for two weeks 00:00:33.972 --> 00:00:39.051 and get put through a battery of classes where they'll learn to handle the dog. 00:00:39.061 --> 00:00:41.516 Dogs are a pack animal. 00:00:41.526 --> 00:00:44.541 They want to please their pack master, that being the handler, 00:00:44.551 --> 00:00:48.790 so the dogs are conditioned to make that handler happy. 00:00:48.800 --> 00:00:53.446 That dog works for that handler's verbal and physical praise along with his reward. 00:00:53.456 --> 00:01:01.387 That's why it's so important for the dog to think that that reward is actually coming from the odor. 00:01:01.397 --> 00:01:04.943 Dogs will detect just about anything you want to train them on. 00:01:04.953 --> 00:01:07.882 The overall dog has to pass certain checks and edits, 00:01:07.892 --> 00:01:12.317 and once the dog passes that we make sure that the pairing's proper. 00:01:12.327 --> 00:01:17.650 We take a good look at the dog for about five to seven weeks prior to the handlers ever showing up, 00:01:17.660 --> 00:01:23.229 get the dog all pre-trained, and then we pair the dogs accordingly to what port they're going to, 00:01:23.239 --> 00:01:26.481 what the workload is going to be, what they're priorities are going to be. 00:01:26.491 --> 00:01:33.414 It's our job as an instructor to foster that handler and get him up at the level he needs to be at. 00:01:33.424 --> 00:01:37.617 We have luggage belts on site, we have a vehicle pad on site, 00:01:37.627 --> 00:01:43.631 so we'll do the initial phases on site and then we'll take them into a real world environment. 00:01:43.641 --> 00:01:46.884 We'll go to warehouses, we'll go to the airport, 00:01:46.894 --> 00:01:50.814 we put the dog in the most realistic situation as possible. 00:01:50.824 --> 00:01:57.846 Run the cars, beep the horns, background noises, people moving, luggage carousels turning, 00:01:57.856 --> 00:02:03.384 a lot of activity so the dog, the first time he experiences that is not in the field. 00:02:03.394 --> 00:02:06.628 Still can't beat the dog, that's one thing, that's job security. 00:02:06.638 --> 00:02:08.972 For the last 20 years, we're always told 00:02:08.982 --> 00:02:12.401 "One day, somebody's going to build a dog nose." 00:02:12.411 --> 00:02:17.347 They haven't done it yet. There is no replacing the dog's nose.