WEBVTT 00:00:03.342 --> 00:00:11.931 America's farms - the subject of countless stories, poems, and songs for generations. 00:00:11.941 --> 00:00:17.396 The food they produce fuels our Nation's economy as well as its inhabitants. 00:00:17.406 --> 00:00:20.297 There are more than two million farms in the U.S. - 00:00:20.307 --> 00:00:26.007 and more than half of them count livestock as their major business. 00:00:26.017 --> 00:00:32.138 But what would happen to our Nation's economy, our food supply, and our food prices 00:00:32.148 --> 00:00:37.353 if U.S. livestock were exposed to deadly foreign animal diseases? 00:00:37.363 --> 00:00:39.526 And what would happen to our wildlife - 00:00:39.536 --> 00:00:42.035 like birds, deer, and buffalo - 00:00:42.045 --> 00:00:47.457 that are also vitally important to our Nation's ecosystems and tourism? 00:00:47.467 --> 00:00:50.819 Some foreign animal diseases are so contagious 00:00:50.829 --> 00:00:55.007 that they could devastate our food supply and our economy. 00:00:55.017 --> 00:00:58.911 That is why U.S. Customs and Border Protection - or CBP - 00:00:58.921 --> 00:01:03.885 has trained its Agriculture Specialists to intercept these pathogens. 00:01:03.895 --> 00:01:07.798 CBP works closely with the United States Department of Agriculture 00:01:07.808 --> 00:01:13.317 to enforce import restrictions that keep out foreign animal diseases. 00:01:13.327 --> 00:01:15.989 The stakes are high. 00:01:15.999 --> 00:01:17.782 The beef cattle industry alone 00:01:17.792 --> 00:01:22.635 was worth approximately $80 billion in retail sales in 2012. 00:01:22.645 --> 00:01:26.707 The broiler chicken industry is worth about $50 billion each year. 00:01:26.717 --> 00:01:32.180 And total U.S. egg production averages a staggering 90 billion eggs each year - 00:01:32.190 --> 00:01:35.870 worth about $7.5 billion. 00:01:35.880 --> 00:01:40.535 The swine industry is also critically important to the U.S. economy. 00:01:40.545 --> 00:01:47.376 The United States exported more than 2.3 million metric tons of pork in 2012, 00:01:47.386 --> 00:01:51.898 valued at $6.3 billion, a record-breaking year. 00:01:51.908 --> 00:01:55.510 Keeping U.S. livestock free of foreign animal diseases 00:01:55.520 --> 00:01:59.809 not only avoids the imposition of trade sanctions on the U.S., 00:01:59.819 --> 00:02:03.474 it helps keeps prices down for American consumers. 00:02:03.484 --> 00:02:08.482 Foreign animal diseases can be carried into the U.S. in a variety of ways. 00:02:08.492 --> 00:02:11.050 Some of them are quite visible; 00:02:11.060 --> 00:02:15.879 others are hidden in the fine print of processed food ingredients. 00:02:15.889 --> 00:02:21.307 Sometimes travelers from foreign countries bring in something we call "bush meat." 00:02:21.317 --> 00:02:27.063 Bush meat is raw, smoked or partially processed meat from a variety of animals, 00:02:27.073 --> 00:02:32.853 including monkeys and other non-human primates, bats, antelopes, and rodents. 00:02:32.863 --> 00:02:36.639 Whether it's antelope meat from Africa or chicken eggs from Asia, 00:02:36.649 --> 00:02:39.332 whether it's a pet canary in the back seat of a car, 00:02:39.342 --> 00:02:42.155 a feathered handicraft from an exotic vacation, 00:02:42.165 --> 00:02:45.099 or ham sandwiches in grandma's purse - 00:02:45.109 --> 00:02:51.085 CBP works diligently to block potential pathways of foreign animal diseases. 00:02:51.095 --> 00:02:55.614 Two of the most devastating diseases are Foot and Mouth Disease, or F-M-D, 00:02:55.624 --> 00:03:00.851 and Exotic Newcastle Disease, or E-N-D. 00:03:00.861 --> 00:03:04.650 FMD is a highly-contagious virus that affects cattle, 00:03:04.660 --> 00:03:09.415 swine, goats, sheep, deer, and buffalo. 00:03:09.425 --> 00:03:12.875 If an outbreak of FMD occurred in the U.S., 00:03:12.885 --> 00:03:18.942 it could spread rapidly unless it was detected early and eradicated immediately. 00:03:18.952 --> 00:03:23.445 The U.S. has been free of FMD since 1929. 00:03:23.455 --> 00:03:27.552 But some parts of Europe and South America, Africa, and Asia 00:03:27.562 --> 00:03:32.699 are affected by various forms of this deadly virus. 00:03:32.709 --> 00:03:38.452 CBP also guards against Exotic Newcastle Disease - or "E-N-D." 00:03:38.462 --> 00:03:45.059 E-N-D is a contagious and fatal viral disease that affects all species of birds. 00:03:45.069 --> 00:03:48.738 Many birds die before they show any signs of infection. 00:03:48.748 --> 00:03:52.763 E-N-D first surfaced in the U.S. in the 1970s. 00:03:52.773 --> 00:03:56.710 The most recent outbreak, in 2002-2003, 00:03:56.720 --> 00:04:02.231 forced the poultry industry to destroy more than 3.4 million birds. 00:04:02.241 --> 00:04:06.633 Although U.S. scientists have developed a vaccine for E-N-D, 00:04:06.643 --> 00:04:11.628 the disease can still infect and kill even vaccinated poultry. 00:04:11.638 --> 00:04:18.288 That could spell disaster for America's more than 280 million egg-laying hens. 00:04:18.298 --> 00:04:22.357 Bird-smugglers, eager to avoid having to obtain the proper permits, 00:04:22.367 --> 00:04:25.807 go to great lengths to hide their contraband. 00:04:25.817 --> 00:04:29.343 Travelers and smugglers who carry these birds into the U.S. 00:04:29.353 --> 00:04:33.615 jeopardize the health of all U.S. birds. 00:04:33.625 --> 00:04:37.418 CBP Agriculture Specialists remain ever vigilant 00:04:37.428 --> 00:04:40.934 protecting the U.S. livestock industry while facilitating 00:04:40.944 --> 00:04:45.730 the flow of admissible agricultural products into the country. 00:04:45.740 --> 00:04:47.472 You can help. 00:04:47.482 --> 00:04:51.327 If you are bringing in any animal product, declare it. 00:04:51.337 --> 00:04:55.026 We all have a stake in what each person packs. 00:04:55.036 --> 00:04:59.607 You, too, are on the frontline in defending America's farms, wildlife, 00:04:59.617 --> 00:05:04.857 and food exports from deadly foreign animal diseases. 00:05:04.867 --> 00:05:11.677 For more information, visit CBP.gov or USDA.gov. 00:05:11.687 --> 00:05:12.199 &nbsp 00:05:12.209 --> 00:05:12.618 &nbsp 00:05:12.628 --> 00:05:13.043 &nbsp 00:05:13.053 --> 00:05:18.053 &nbsp