WEBVTT 00:00:06.464 --> 00:00:08.842 Patrol agents need to be self-motivated, 00:00:10.093 --> 00:00:11.803 independent. 00:00:12.429 --> 00:00:15.473 They have to be very comfortable with being on their own, 00:00:15.473 --> 00:00:19.728 dealing with rapidly evolving and potentially dangerous situations. 00:00:23.106 --> 00:00:25.608 Well, I think you need to be a role model. 00:00:25.608 --> 00:00:29.738 You need to show your more junior members what it means to be 00:00:29.738 --> 00:00:31.573 a good Border Patrol agent. 00:00:33.950 --> 00:00:36.494 It is prideful to know that you're out there 00:00:36.494 --> 00:00:40.206 protecting the rest of the United States. 00:00:53.136 --> 00:00:54.345 Before the Border Patrol, 00:00:54.345 --> 00:00:58.349 I actually worked in mental health for over ten years, probably close to twenty. 00:00:58.892 --> 00:01:02.437 It was a great career, but it was very sedentary. 00:01:04.147 --> 00:01:08.651 So when I heard about the Border Patrol and the idea of just being outside 00:01:08.651 --> 00:01:13.740 and being able to take a more active role in stopping things like drug 00:01:13.740 --> 00:01:17.410 trafficking or human trafficking, it really seemed like 00:01:17.410 --> 00:01:20.622 something that I would be good at and something I would enjoy. 00:01:20.622 --> 00:01:22.207 It's very fulfilling for me. 00:01:24.417 --> 00:01:26.294 I'd say at this point I've 00:01:26.294 --> 00:01:30.507 been in for thirteen years, I've kind of moved into more of a leadership role. 00:01:30.548 --> 00:01:34.719 I'm a team lead for our Sensor program, so we have about five guys 00:01:34.719 --> 00:01:36.012 working at our office. 00:01:36.012 --> 00:01:37.597 We're very tight knit. 00:01:39.974 --> 00:01:43.478 We work well together. 00:01:43.686 --> 00:01:46.106 It's a really good work environment. 00:01:47.565 --> 00:01:50.401 I am glad I came to Border Patrol. 00:01:50.401 --> 00:01:52.987 My grandfather was law enforcement, my uncle is law enforcement. 00:01:52.987 --> 00:01:54.697 My father is a firefighter. 00:01:54.697 --> 00:01:58.034 So first responders, things like that run in my family. 00:01:58.034 --> 00:02:02.247 And I just eventually found that that's where I was meant to be as well. 00:02:03.790 --> 00:02:07.627 We need people to join that, know what they're getting themselves into 00:02:07.752 --> 00:02:11.881 and that stick around so they can continue to use the experience 00:02:11.881 --> 00:02:14.509 that they gained in this job. 00:02:16.719 --> 00:02:19.514 There's just a lot of opportunity to do different things. 00:02:20.223 --> 00:02:24.978 You have a lot of freedom here that you're not going to get at other agencies. 00:02:24.978 --> 00:02:28.106 With being a smaller station, you kind of know everyone, so that's nice. 00:02:28.106 --> 00:02:30.775 You have people from different shifts that will help you out if need be. 00:02:31.860 --> 00:02:33.278 Each station is different. 00:02:33.278 --> 00:02:35.113 Each area is slightly different. 00:02:35.113 --> 00:02:37.866 Each area has so many different details. 00:02:37.866 --> 00:02:41.035 Our ATV units, our prosecutions, our intel. 00:02:42.328 --> 00:02:45.081 When we're fully operational, we have the Flex team, 00:02:45.582 --> 00:02:47.208 which is our mountain team. 00:02:47.208 --> 00:02:49.627 We have a rapid response team. 00:02:49.961 --> 00:02:52.005 We've had hiking teams in the past. 00:02:52.005 --> 00:02:55.425 There's so many different places that need someone 00:02:55.425 --> 00:02:57.927 that's willing and able to step in and fill. 00:02:58.428 --> 00:03:00.597 There's always a need for more people. 00:03:00.597 --> 00:03:03.308 So absolutely go for it with all you've got.