WEBVTT 00:00:02.106 --> 00:00:04.916 Y'know scrap metal? 00:00:04.926 --> 00:00:06.754 Thirty Bucks. 00:00:06.764 --> 00:00:09.931 Maybe its worth about thirty dollars now. 00:00:09.941 --> 00:00:13.340 One of CBP's top priorities is to ensure the safety 00:00:13.350 --> 00:00:16.021 of imported products into the United States, 00:00:16.031 --> 00:00:19.023 and the Land Rover Defender, that you see up on top of that pile, 00:00:19.033 --> 00:00:24.530 did not meet the safety rules of United States roads. 00:00:24.540 --> 00:00:27.247 Those types of vehicles that are older than 25 years, 00:00:27.257 --> 00:00:31.257 they're exempt a lot of the highway transportation safety rules 00:00:31.267 --> 00:00:34.138 so that they can legally be imported. 00:00:34.148 --> 00:00:36.178 And what the importer did on that one is, 00:00:36.188 --> 00:00:39.663 he manipulated that Defender to look like it's older than 25 years, 00:00:39.673 --> 00:00:42.880 so that he could legally import it. 00:00:42.890 --> 00:00:46.693 He did not get away with it. 00:00:47.355 --> 00:00:49.941 Our targeters in DC, working with our partners 00:00:49.951 --> 00:00:53.146 in the Department of Transportation and the EPA, 00:00:53.156 --> 00:00:56.313 targeted this Land Rover Defender for inspection 00:00:56.323 --> 00:00:59.834 by our Officers at the Port of Baltimore. 00:01:01.930 --> 00:01:05.401 They did the checks of the VIN, and other checks that they do of the vehicle, 00:01:05.411 --> 00:01:08.442 and determined that that truck is not 25 years old 00:01:08.452 --> 00:01:12.769 and has been illegally manipulated. 00:01:12.759 --> 00:01:15.490 They can get upwards of a hundred-thousand dollars for these vehicles, 00:01:15.500 --> 00:01:18.307 and someone's thinking that they're getting a 1975 Defender, 00:01:18.317 --> 00:01:24.350 when really they're buying a 2005 Defender that's been illegally altered. 00:01:24.405 --> 00:01:28.470 We can't offer it for resale, we can't offer it to be re-exported, 00:01:28.480 --> 00:01:33.093 and we have to ultimately... destroy it. 00:01:35.730 --> 00:01:38.838 Well, this definitely shows the hard work of our CBP Officers, 00:01:38.848 --> 00:01:41.325 in collaboration with our other Federal partners. 00:01:41.335 --> 00:01:47.725 We kept an unsafe vehicle off American roads, and can save lives. 00:01:48.352 --> 00:01:51.826 This is a victory for the CBP Officers working at the Port of Baltimore, 00:01:51.836 --> 00:01:56.092 along with our Import Specialists, 00:01:57.747 --> 00:02:02.949 we all work together, and what's up on top of that pile, is our trophy.