WEBVTT 00:00:06.685 --> 00:00:25.400 [Music] 00:00:25.487 --> 00:00:29.612 Narrator: Hello and welcome to inside CBP. I'm Michael Pope. 00:00:29.622 --> 00:00:34.125 Not long ago an electronics company became part of a new, innovative structure, 00:00:34.135 --> 00:00:36.653 called The Center of Excellence & Expertise 00:00:36.663 --> 00:00:39.194 at U.S. Customs and Border Protection. 00:00:39.204 --> 00:00:41.393 This company imported microchips. 00:00:41.403 --> 00:00:44.484 Many of which you might find in your smartphone, 00:00:44.494 --> 00:00:46.403 but their shipments into the United States 00:00:46.413 --> 00:00:49.001 were getting stopped at the port of entry, 00:00:49.011 --> 00:00:50.793 so they picked up the phone 00:00:50.803 --> 00:00:54.057 and called the new CBP Center of Excellence & Expertise. 00:00:54.067 --> 00:00:55.993 After contact with the center, 00:00:56.003 --> 00:00:59.028 the company quickly discovered that it was a case that could be 00:00:59.038 --> 00:01:02.655 easily resolved by a little bit of bi-directional education, 00:01:02.665 --> 00:01:06.186 meaning the company described the microchip being imported. 00:01:06.196 --> 00:01:07.743 Knowing this information, 00:01:07.753 --> 00:01:11.964 the port removed any future holds on that type of microchip. 00:01:11.974 --> 00:01:15.155 All of this is due to a relatively straightforward concept of clear, 00:01:15.165 --> 00:01:19.158 accurate communication between CBP and the importers. 00:01:19.168 --> 00:01:24.031 This is what the centers or CEE's now provide to the importers. 00:01:24.041 --> 00:01:26.199 The CEE's are transforming the way CBP 00:01:26.209 --> 00:01:28.790 has been processing trade for hundreds of years 00:01:28.800 --> 00:01:33.573 and represents the future for what is being called, tailor made trade. 00:01:33.583 --> 00:01:37.030 The centers are a common sense trade processing system, 00:01:37.040 --> 00:01:41.023 focusing on managing by account vs. transaction. 00:01:41.033 --> 00:01:44.160 Organized along industry specific lines, 00:01:44.170 --> 00:01:48.179 CBP can understand the intricacies of any one industry. 00:01:48.189 --> 00:01:51.651 By assigning specific centers to specific industries, 00:01:51.661 --> 00:01:54.828 CBP increases its knowledge of the commodities, 00:01:54.838 --> 00:01:58.615 moving compliant goods to market quicker and seizing counterfeit products 00:01:58.625 --> 00:02:02.441 that threaten the economy and health and safety of U.S. consumers. 00:02:02.451 --> 00:02:05.261 CBP's deputy commissioner, David Aguilar, 00:02:05.271 --> 00:02:08.098 recently lauded at the transformational nature of the centers 00:02:08.108 --> 00:02:11.911 at the 2012 West Coast Trade Symposium. 00:02:11.921 --> 00:02:16.791 >> Centralization, consistency, standardization, 00:02:16.801 --> 00:02:23.420 and I believe, a knowledge building capacity is what the CEE's do. 00:02:23.430 --> 00:02:25.467 Narrator: The centers are receiving positive feedback 00:02:25.477 --> 00:02:27.493 from partners in the trade community 00:02:27.503 --> 00:02:31.258 who are enthusiastic about their account based approach. 00:02:31.268 --> 00:02:36.005 >> One added benefit that we have is for our trusted partners 00:02:36.015 --> 00:02:39.475 and those that are both C-TPAT 00:02:39.485 --> 00:02:41.822 and part of our importer self-assessment program, 00:02:41.832 --> 00:02:44.854 we are centralizing all of their entry summary 00:02:44.864 --> 00:02:48.407 and post entry work at the centers 00:02:48.417 --> 00:02:51.056 and that's a huge added benefit for them. 00:02:51.066 --> 00:02:54.028 Narrator: In October 2011, CBP launched this new way 00:02:54.038 --> 00:02:56.733 of doing business with two centers, 00:02:56.743 --> 00:02:59.356 one for the pharmaceutical health and chemical industry 00:02:59.366 --> 00:03:02.530 and one for the consumer and electronics industry. 00:03:02.540 --> 00:03:06.663 These centers quickly began work to facilitate trade more efficiently. 00:03:06.673 --> 00:03:10.881 Their new knowledge also enhanced CBP's enforcement efforts. 00:03:10.891 --> 00:03:14.912 All needed enhancements for CBP frontline officers. 00:03:14.922 --> 00:03:16.956 >> The intelligence and the information 00:03:16.966 --> 00:03:20.252 that the CEE's are providing to our frontline CBP Officers 00:03:20.262 --> 00:03:23.172 and import specialists are truly invaluable. 00:03:23.182 --> 00:03:29.224 It is enabling our frontline personnel to focus their attention on unknown, 00:03:29.234 --> 00:03:31.715 potentially high risk shipments, 00:03:31.725 --> 00:03:35.116 while at the same time, making sure that our trusted traders 00:03:35.126 --> 00:03:39.728 are able to have their flows of cargo moved more efficiently than ever before. 00:03:39.738 --> 00:03:42.661 To be able to harness that information, 00:03:42.671 --> 00:03:46.921 harness that intelligence that the CEE's are really able to cultivate now, 00:03:46.931 --> 00:03:52.579 unlike ever before, has been a real difference maker for us in the frontline. 00:03:52.589 --> 00:03:54.971 Narrator: Now, one of the first centers of excellence and expertise 00:03:54.981 --> 00:03:57.504 opened its doors in October of 2011 00:03:57.514 --> 00:03:59.529 in a city where most corporate headquarters 00:03:59.539 --> 00:04:02.259 for foreign manufacturers of pharmaceuticals are located. 00:04:02.269 --> 00:04:05.070 New York City! 00:04:05.080 --> 00:04:08.727 This center covers all pharmaceutical, health, and chemical imports 00:04:08.737 --> 00:04:12.978 for a select group of what CBP considers trusted partners. 00:04:12.988 --> 00:04:17.308 CBP trade specialists in the pharmaceutical, health, and chemical industries 00:04:17.318 --> 00:04:19.546 maintain constant relationships 00:04:19.556 --> 00:04:22.399 with their corporate contacts in these industries, 00:04:22.409 --> 00:04:26.732 smoothing any bumps that occur during the importation process. 00:04:26.742 --> 00:04:31.427 >> CBP is continuing to roll out its next generation of automated systems, 00:04:31.437 --> 00:04:34.023 the Centers of Excellence & Expertise 00:04:34.033 --> 00:04:37.540 also give us the opportunity to centralize our trade processing, 00:04:37.550 --> 00:04:41.059 rather than having 300 ports of entry making different decisions 00:04:41.069 --> 00:04:44.289 on shipments as they come into the United States, 00:04:44.299 --> 00:04:47.333 it also enables us to treat companies as accounts 00:04:47.343 --> 00:04:49.974 and manage the process on an account basis rather than 00:04:49.984 --> 00:04:53.874 a transactional basis where every shipment has to be treated as unique. 00:04:53.884 --> 00:04:56.425 >> This is definitely the future. This is a game changer. 00:04:56.435 --> 00:04:58.631 This is the way the agency's going in the future. 00:04:58.641 --> 00:05:00.855 It doesn't look like it's turning back any time soon, 00:05:00.865 --> 00:05:04.315 and the trade realizes this and CBP employees also realize this. 00:05:04.325 --> 00:05:06.250 But most importantly, I think the private sector 00:05:06.260 --> 00:05:08.378 is very impressed with what we're doing here at the centers. 00:05:08.388 --> 00:05:11.535 Our trusted partners are not in the business of fraud and we understand that. 00:05:11.545 --> 00:05:14.168 They are our trusted partners, so we're open and honest with them 00:05:14.178 --> 00:05:17.867 and we hope that they're open and honest with us also. 00:05:17.877 --> 00:05:20.529 >> The officers in the field have great knowledge 00:05:20.539 --> 00:05:22.953 in identifying counterfeit pharmaceuticals 00:05:22.963 --> 00:05:25.432 and we use them to enhance our knowledge 00:05:25.442 --> 00:05:27.554 and we use what they know to help us out. 00:05:27.564 --> 00:05:29.530 Working together we make a great team. 00:05:29.540 --> 00:05:33.934 The knowledge they have is invaluable and they work in the field for many years 00:05:33.944 --> 00:05:38.428 and they enhanced our knowledge in identifying counterfeit pharmaceuticals 00:05:38.438 --> 00:05:41.519 and we look to seize a lot more shipments. 00:05:41.529 --> 00:05:45.233 >> For environments where it's difficult to target shipments 00:05:45.243 --> 00:05:48.106 like the international mail facilities, 00:05:48.116 --> 00:05:51.044 we actually send out physical hand bills and alerts 00:05:51.054 --> 00:05:54.539 to make them aware of potential counterfeit products, 00:05:54.549 --> 00:05:59.346 such as cancer medicine, automobile parts, electronics, 00:05:59.356 --> 00:06:02.535 showing them what to look for so they can better identify and intercept 00:06:02.545 --> 00:06:07.175 the packages before they enter the commerce of the United States. 00:06:07.185 --> 00:06:11.631 Narrator: Unfortunately, counterfeit and unsafe goods sometimes enter the country. 00:06:11.641 --> 00:06:14.460 These products are harmful to the U.S. economy 00:06:14.470 --> 00:06:16.915 and our personal health and safety. 00:06:16.925 --> 00:06:20.226 Now the new trade intelligence, targeting and other information 00:06:20.236 --> 00:06:24.049 that the Centers of Excellence & Expertise now provide 00:06:24.059 --> 00:06:27.660 give CBP officers the more accurate information they need 00:06:27.670 --> 00:06:32.019 to seize these harmful products from all U.S. ports of entry, 00:06:32.029 --> 00:06:34.516 like this international mail facility 00:06:34.526 --> 00:06:38.528 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. 00:06:38.538 --> 00:06:44.330 >> We go to the experts for their knowledge base and for their expertise. 00:06:44.340 --> 00:06:47.926 It helps us to do our jobs in an expeditious manner 00:06:47.936 --> 00:06:50.598 and do it quickly and accurately. 00:06:50.608 --> 00:06:54.759 You know, resources are limited and the volumes are getting greater, 00:06:54.769 --> 00:06:57.167 so we have to work smart. 00:06:57.177 --> 00:07:00.233 And this is a great step in that process, 00:07:00.243 --> 00:07:05.161 so whether it's pharmaceuticals, petroleum, 00:07:05.171 --> 00:07:08.557 anything that the centers are going to specialize in, 00:07:08.567 --> 00:07:12.509 is going to be helpful so that we can effectively do our jobs 00:07:12.519 --> 00:07:16.205 and facilitate the legitimate imports 00:07:16.215 --> 00:07:21.171 while intercepting the illegal importations into the United States. 00:07:21.181 --> 00:07:23.839 Narrator: U.S. Customs & Border Protections plan 00:07:23.849 --> 00:07:26.905 is to create more Centers of Excellence & Expertise, 00:07:26.915 --> 00:07:30.008 covering the full range of imported goods. 00:07:30.018 --> 00:07:32.980 As international trade continues to grow more and more complex, 00:07:32.990 --> 00:07:35.344 the Centers of Excellence & Expertise 00:07:35.354 --> 00:07:40.012 will offer a unique tailor made alternative to business as usual. 00:07:40.022 --> 00:07:43.700 For Inside CBP, I'm Michael Pope. 00:07:43.700 --> 00:07:50.800 [Music]