WEBVTT 00:00:16.016 --> 00:00:17.250 Our nation. 00:00:17.250 --> 00:00:18.952 This generation 00:00:18.952 --> 00:00:21.254 will lift a dark threat of violence from. 00:00:21.254 --> 00:00:23.656 Our people and our future. 00:00:23.656 --> 00:00:24.691 We will rally the world 00:00:24.691 --> 00:00:28.328 to this cause by our efforts, by our courage. 00:00:29.262 --> 00:00:31.164 We will not tire. 00:00:31.164 --> 00:00:33.099 We will not falter. 00:00:33.099 --> 00:01:12.439 And we will not fail. 00:01:15.642 --> 00:01:18.078 As part of the Department of Homeland Security, 00:01:18.478 --> 00:01:21.481 CBP was created by merging the finest traditions, 00:01:21.681 --> 00:01:22.649 key functions, 00:01:22.649 --> 00:01:24.684 and the most exceptional employees 00:01:24.684 --> 00:01:27.087 of several legacy agencies. 00:01:27.087 --> 00:01:28.421 Its mission was clear 00:01:28.421 --> 00:01:29.522 to prevent terrorists 00:01:29.522 --> 00:01:31.157 and weapons of mass destruction 00:01:31.157 --> 00:01:32.492 from entering the country 00:01:32.492 --> 00:01:35.061 while facilitating lawful trade and travel. 00:01:35.595 --> 00:01:38.098 For the first time in our country's history, 00:01:38.098 --> 00:01:39.265 we've established one 00:01:39.265 --> 00:01:41.067 frontline law enforcement agency 00:01:41.067 --> 00:01:43.336 at our nation's border 00:01:43.336 --> 00:01:45.171 as guardians of our borders. 00:01:45.171 --> 00:01:47.173 You protect our nation both at home 00:01:47.373 --> 00:01:49.943 and between our ports of entry. 00:01:49.943 --> 00:01:51.811 CBP has proudly shouldered 00:01:51.811 --> 00:01:53.012 one of the most complex 00:01:53.012 --> 00:01:54.781 missions in law enforcement. 00:01:54.781 --> 00:01:56.149 The work we do touches 00:01:56.149 --> 00:01:58.151 every aspect of our daily lives 00:01:58.485 --> 00:02:00.553 from safeguarding international travel 00:02:00.553 --> 00:02:01.621 and our borders 00:02:01.621 --> 00:02:03.857 to ensuring the safety of the consumer goods 00:02:03.857 --> 00:02:04.858 we import. 00:02:04.858 --> 00:02:06.426 The men and women of CBP 00:02:06.426 --> 00:02:07.494 have courageously 00:02:07.494 --> 00:02:09.762 defended our borders with unwavering 00:02:09.762 --> 00:02:12.132 vigilance and resolve. 00:02:12.132 --> 00:02:14.534 CBP was the largest part 00:02:14.534 --> 00:02:16.002 of the largest re-organization 00:02:16.002 --> 00:02:18.404 of our federal government since World War Two. 00:02:18.404 --> 00:02:19.973 We devised a defense strategy 00:02:19.973 --> 00:02:22.142 to protect our economy and our nation, 00:02:22.742 --> 00:02:24.410 and we built systems and centers 00:02:24.410 --> 00:02:26.779 to assess the risk of cargo and passengers 00:02:26.779 --> 00:02:28.781 coming to our shores from abroad. 00:02:29.782 --> 00:02:32.252 CBP needed to be an intelligence 00:02:32.252 --> 00:02:33.753 driven organization 00:02:33.753 --> 00:02:35.588 in order to provide a comprehensive 00:02:35.588 --> 00:02:36.890 understanding of U.S. 00:02:36.890 --> 00:02:38.892 border security threats, 00:02:38.892 --> 00:02:40.326 utilizing intelligence 00:02:40.326 --> 00:02:41.161 and risk based 00:02:41.161 --> 00:02:42.562 approach is still 00:02:42.562 --> 00:02:44.430 a foundational part of our work. 00:02:44.430 --> 00:02:46.633 We had to find a way to reduce 00:02:46.833 --> 00:02:48.701 the size of the haystack. 00:02:48.701 --> 00:02:51.571 We had to find a way to not concentrate 00:02:51.838 --> 00:02:54.073 our incredible resources 00:02:54.073 --> 00:02:57.243 on 99.9 percent of the people 00:02:57.243 --> 00:02:58.611 and the things that were coming in 00:02:58.611 --> 00:02:59.412 to the country. 00:02:59.412 --> 00:03:02.148 We at CBP increasingly believe that they 00:03:02.649 --> 00:03:05.852 are the same process, that in fact, we cannot 00:03:06.653 --> 00:03:11.191 increase our security profile unless we expedite 00:03:11.191 --> 00:03:15.428 the 99.5 percent of trade and travel 00:03:15.428 --> 00:03:16.729 that is legitimate. 00:03:16.729 --> 00:03:17.530 That's the way in 00:03:17.530 --> 00:03:19.332 which we will actually 00:03:19.332 --> 00:03:21.601 reduce the size of the haystack 00:03:21.601 --> 00:03:23.603 so that we can focus our resources 00:03:23.603 --> 00:03:25.271 on the dangerous people 00:03:25.271 --> 00:03:26.673 and dangerous things, 00:03:26.673 --> 00:03:30.043 or the high risk cargo and high risk person. 00:03:30.043 --> 00:03:30.977 Our highly trained 00:03:30.977 --> 00:03:32.412 agents, officers 00:03:32.412 --> 00:03:34.113 and civilian employees rise 00:03:34.113 --> 00:03:36.349 to meet every challenge every day. 00:03:36.616 --> 00:03:38.051 To get the job done, 00:03:38.051 --> 00:03:41.354 CBP works closely with other federal agencies, 00:03:41.554 --> 00:03:43.923 as well as state and local law enforcement 00:03:43.923 --> 00:03:45.925 and international partners. 00:03:45.925 --> 00:03:47.327 In 2010, 00:03:47.327 --> 00:03:49.495 CBP assisted the FBI 00:03:49.495 --> 00:03:50.997 in capturing a terrorist 00:03:50.997 --> 00:03:52.699 after a failed attack in New York 00:03:52.699 --> 00:03:54.200 City's Times Square. 00:03:54.200 --> 00:03:56.102 Our National Targeting center used 00:03:56.102 --> 00:03:56.869 law enforcement 00:03:56.869 --> 00:03:59.272 technology tools to prevent the individual 00:03:59.272 --> 00:04:01.007 from fleeing the country. 00:04:01.007 --> 00:04:02.642 This incident is another sobering 00:04:02.642 --> 00:04:05.078 reminder of the times in which we live 00:04:05.078 --> 00:04:06.746 around the world and here at home 00:04:06.746 --> 00:04:09.082 there are those who would attack our citizens 00:04:09.082 --> 00:04:10.750 and who would slaughter 00:04:10.750 --> 00:04:13.219 innocent men, women and children in pursuit 00:04:13.386 --> 00:04:15.188 of their murderous agenda. 00:04:15.188 --> 00:04:17.423 And this suspect has been apprehended 00:04:17.423 --> 00:04:18.324 because of close 00:04:18.324 --> 00:04:20.193 and effective coordination at every level, 00:04:20.193 --> 00:04:23.062 including our Joint Terrorism Task Force and U.S. 00:04:23.062 --> 00:04:24.731 Customs and Border Protection. 00:04:24.731 --> 00:04:27.066 CBP has pioneered effective ways 00:04:27.066 --> 00:04:28.801 to extend our zone of security 00:04:28.801 --> 00:04:31.070 outward, beyond our borders, 00:04:31.070 --> 00:04:33.606 detecting and mitigating threats to the homeland 00:04:33.840 --> 00:04:35.642 before they are realized. 00:04:35.642 --> 00:04:36.442 After U.S. 00:04:36.442 --> 00:04:38.878 intelligence work with international partners 00:04:38.978 --> 00:04:41.347 to intercept two bombs concealed in printer 00:04:41.347 --> 00:04:43.416 cartridges and placed on an aircraft 00:04:43.416 --> 00:04:45.485 bound from Yemen to the United States, 00:04:46.052 --> 00:04:47.086 CBP began 00:04:47.086 --> 00:04:49.722 requiring additional information from airlines 00:04:49.722 --> 00:04:50.790 flying to the U.S. 00:04:50.790 --> 00:04:52.825 from five Middle Eastern countries. 00:04:53.559 --> 00:04:54.794 On the mission side. 00:04:54.794 --> 00:04:56.996 We are both a guardian of our nation's borders 00:04:56.996 --> 00:04:58.965 and the gateway to the U.S. economy, 00:04:59.999 --> 00:05:01.167 It's pretty compelling. 00:05:01.167 --> 00:05:03.803 We're at the center of our government's efforts 00:05:03.803 --> 00:05:05.605 to protect the United States against terrorists 00:05:05.605 --> 00:05:07.507 and transnational crime, strengthen the U.S. 00:05:07.507 --> 00:05:10.143 economy by welcoming growing trade and travel 00:05:10.443 --> 00:05:11.744 and building the global system 00:05:11.744 --> 00:05:14.681 with our partners in North America and abroad. 00:05:14.681 --> 00:05:17.050 CBP is on the job twenty-four seven. 00:05:17.250 --> 00:05:18.418 The stakes are high, 00:05:18.418 --> 00:05:20.687 and there is zero margin for error. 00:05:20.687 --> 00:05:22.922 Terrorists, smugglers and other criminals 00:05:23.156 --> 00:05:25.191 only have to be right once. 00:05:25.191 --> 00:05:27.327 We have to be right every time. 00:05:27.560 --> 00:05:31.064 So our workforce lives up to CBP's core values; 00:05:31.664 --> 00:05:35.335 vigilance, service to country and integrity. 00:05:35.802 --> 00:05:37.136 Every day 00:05:37.136 --> 00:05:37.737 faithfully 00:05:37.737 --> 00:05:39.205 serving the American public 00:05:39.205 --> 00:05:41.774 with unmatched bravery and tenacity 00:05:42.442 --> 00:05:43.810 in carrying out our duties 00:05:43.810 --> 00:05:46.679 to inspect inbound people, vehicles and cargo. 00:05:47.046 --> 00:05:49.248 Our officers and agents have intercepted 00:05:49.248 --> 00:05:50.350 42 million 00:05:50.350 --> 00:05:52.552 pounds of dangerous narcotics in the past 00:05:52.552 --> 00:05:53.820 20 years. 00:05:53.820 --> 00:05:55.521 We are vigilant in our outbound 00:05:55.521 --> 00:05:57.423 inspection operations as well, 00:05:57.423 --> 00:05:59.759 seizing weapons and currency that fuel 00:05:59.759 --> 00:06:01.594 the activity of drug cartels 00:06:01.594 --> 00:06:03.930 and transnational criminal organizations. 00:06:04.364 --> 00:06:06.999 I've gotten to see firsthand how integral our 00:06:07.533 --> 00:06:09.402 mission is to the nation's 00:06:09.402 --> 00:06:11.571 economic health and vitality 00:06:11.571 --> 00:06:13.039 and the safety and security 00:06:13.039 --> 00:06:15.108 of that global supply chain. 00:06:15.108 --> 00:06:16.709 CBP's Office of Trade 00:06:16.709 --> 00:06:18.010 has deftly consolidated 00:06:18.010 --> 00:06:19.312 trade Policy, 00:06:19.312 --> 00:06:20.680 Program Development 00:06:20.680 --> 00:06:22.648 and compliance measurement functions, 00:06:22.648 --> 00:06:24.650 and is deeply engaged with virtually 00:06:24.650 --> 00:06:26.686 every sector of the global economy. 00:06:27.220 --> 00:06:29.522 Border Patrol agents work tirelessly 00:06:29.522 --> 00:06:31.124 in some of the harshest conditions 00:06:31.124 --> 00:06:32.492 and unforgiving terrain 00:06:32.492 --> 00:06:34.927 to secure our borders between ports of entry. 00:06:35.261 --> 00:06:37.363 They have saved countless lives, 00:06:37.363 --> 00:06:39.332 performing everything from emergency 00:06:39.332 --> 00:06:39.932 first aid, 00:06:39.932 --> 00:06:41.667 to delivering babies, 00:06:41.667 --> 00:06:42.902 to rescuing potential 00:06:42.902 --> 00:06:45.271 drowning and heat stroke victims. 00:06:45.271 --> 00:06:47.740 Improving the international travel process 00:06:47.740 --> 00:06:49.909 has also been a key focus of CBP. 00:06:50.042 --> 00:06:52.745 We use state of the art biometric technologies 00:06:53.446 --> 00:06:55.748 and we are constantly enhancing our programs 00:06:55.748 --> 00:06:57.383 and procedures. 00:06:57.450 --> 00:06:58.284 And CBP 00:06:58.284 --> 00:06:59.685 agricultural specialists 00:06:59.685 --> 00:07:01.521 are also on the frontline, 00:07:01.521 --> 00:07:03.156 inspecting imported animal 00:07:03.156 --> 00:07:05.491 and plant materials for invasive pests 00:07:05.491 --> 00:07:06.959 and harmful diseases. 00:07:06.959 --> 00:07:08.628 These inspections help to protect 00:07:08.628 --> 00:07:10.263 not only consumers, 00:07:10.263 --> 00:07:11.764 but also our crops, 00:07:11.764 --> 00:07:14.000 livestock and natural resources. 00:07:14.300 --> 00:07:16.335 Since its formation two decades ago, 00:07:16.669 --> 00:07:17.904 CBP has developed 00:07:17.904 --> 00:07:20.039 highly sophisticated air and marine 00:07:20.039 --> 00:07:22.141 monitoring and response capabilities. 00:07:22.442 --> 00:07:23.709 CBP's Air and Marine 00:07:23.709 --> 00:07:25.912 operations cultivates both domain 00:07:25.912 --> 00:07:27.780 and situational awareness 00:07:27.780 --> 00:07:28.714 to predict, 00:07:28.714 --> 00:07:32.852 detect, track, identify and resolve threats. 00:07:33.119 --> 00:07:34.020 The dedicated men 00:07:34.020 --> 00:07:36.422 and women of CBP are unsung heroes, 00:07:36.689 --> 00:07:39.225 embodying sacrifice and selflessness. 00:07:40.026 --> 00:07:42.895 CBP plays an instrumental role in our country's 00:07:42.895 --> 00:07:44.897 national and homeland security. 00:07:44.897 --> 00:07:46.332 Over the last two decades, 00:07:46.332 --> 00:07:48.334 we have made tremendous progress 00:07:48.334 --> 00:07:50.603 and without a doubt will make even more. 00:07:51.037 --> 00:07:52.672 This is a direct reflection 00:07:52.672 --> 00:07:53.606 of the dedication 00:07:53.606 --> 00:07:55.741 and professionalism of our workforce. 00:07:55.975 --> 00:07:58.978 Our vision is crystal clear; enhance 00:07:58.978 --> 00:08:00.980 the nation's security through innovation, 00:08:01.080 --> 00:08:04.750 intelligence, collaboration and trust. 00:08:05.051 --> 00:08:07.153 Our mission is equally clear; 00:08:07.220 --> 00:08:09.055 protect the American people, 00:08:09.055 --> 00:08:11.390 safeguard our borders, and enhance 00:08:11.390 --> 00:08:12.892 the nation's prosperity. 00:08:12.892 --> 00:08:14.627 Our enduring mission priorities 00:08:14.627 --> 00:08:16.929 are ambitious, yet non-negotiable, 00:08:16.929 --> 00:08:18.731 if we are to fulfill our promises 00:08:18.731 --> 00:08:19.866 to the American people 00:08:19.866 --> 00:08:22.034 and our international partners. 00:08:22.034 --> 00:08:23.836 Whether we are protecting our borders, 00:08:23.836 --> 00:08:26.205 safeguarding our skies and waterways, 00:08:26.405 --> 00:08:28.541 or inspecting travelers and examining cargo 00:08:29.275 --> 00:08:31.444 each and every CBP employee 00:08:31.444 --> 00:08:33.179 makes an indelible contribution 00:08:33.179 --> 00:08:35.781 to CBP success as the nation’s 00:08:35.781 --> 00:08:37.717 premier law enforcement agency. 00:08:37.717 --> 00:08:39.852 CBP is and will continue 00:08:39.852 --> 00:08:42.688 to be the nation's premier law enforcement agency 00:08:42.788 --> 00:08:45.157 and the world's leader in border security 00:08:45.157 --> 00:08:47.894 while facilitating legitimate trade and travel. 00:08:48.261 --> 00:08:51.197 Please join us in celebrating this great agency 00:08:51.197 --> 00:09:06.746 and our 20th anniversary.