WEBVTT 00:00:04.760 --> 00:00:06.720 >> What does it mean, and what does it take 00:00:06.720 --> 00:00:08.260 to secure the border? 00:00:08.260 --> 00:00:09.990 More people? More technology? 00:00:10.550 --> 00:00:12.190 Maybe a border wall, 00:00:12.190 --> 00:00:14.400 like the one between the United States and Mexico. 00:00:15.060 --> 00:00:17.640 It’s been a subject of nearly a million news articles, 00:00:17.640 --> 00:00:21.080 and hundreds of speeches. But do walls really work? 00:00:21.080 --> 00:00:22.940 And if so, how? 00:00:22.940 --> 00:00:27.020 As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you, walls do work. 00:00:27.020 --> 00:00:29.570 Before any physical infrastructure existed 00:00:29.570 --> 00:00:32.080 on our 2000 mile long border with Mexico, 00:00:32.630 --> 00:00:35.930 vast areas were wide open, totally vulnerable. 00:00:35.930 --> 00:00:38.260 Today’s threats, like terrorism, 00:00:38.260 --> 00:00:40.660 drug trafficking and human smuggling 00:00:40.660 --> 00:00:43.590 demand sensible and proven responses. 00:00:43.590 --> 00:00:44.830 Consider San Diego. 00:00:45.530 --> 00:00:49.580 In 1992, agents in San Diego sector apprehended 00:00:49.580 --> 00:00:53.160 more than 560,000 illegal migrants. 00:00:53.160 --> 00:00:55.880 That was only along a 60-miles stretch, 00:00:55.880 --> 00:00:59.160 just three percent of the entire U.S.-Mexico border. 00:00:59.160 --> 00:01:00.800 But that stretch of border didn’t have much 00:01:00.800 --> 00:01:02.050 in the way of infrastructure. 00:01:03.170 --> 00:01:07.320 There were few barriers, patrol roads, lights or cameras, 00:01:07.320 --> 00:01:09.190 and there weren’t enough agents. 00:01:09.190 --> 00:01:11.700 Twenty years ago in Yuma, Arizona, 00:01:11.700 --> 00:01:13.200 the Yuma Sector was overrun 00:01:13.200 --> 00:01:15.240 by illegal migrants and drug smugglers. 00:01:15.800 --> 00:01:19.280 In 2005, each day averaged 800 arrests 00:01:19.280 --> 00:01:21.760 and a seizure of more than 100 pounds of drugs. 00:01:22.500 --> 00:01:23.820 Just as with San Diego, 00:01:23.820 --> 00:01:26.740 Yuma did not have the infrastructure or agents 00:01:26.740 --> 00:01:28.550 needed to secure the border. 00:01:28.550 --> 00:01:31.960 In 1996, and again in 2006, 00:01:31.960 --> 00:01:33.490 bipartisan legislation 00:01:33.490 --> 00:01:35.080 authorized the U.S. government 00:01:35.080 --> 00:01:36.970 to build border barriers. 00:01:36.970 --> 00:01:40.450 And once built, the barriers made a world of difference. 00:01:40.450 --> 00:01:44.060 By 2010, apprehensions in San Diego 00:01:44.060 --> 00:01:47.660 had fallen from half a million to just 68,000, 00:01:47.660 --> 00:01:49.280 an 87 percent reduction. 00:01:49.830 --> 00:01:53.300 In Yuma, the story was much the same, year over year, 00:01:53.300 --> 00:01:56.760 reductions in border apprehension, thanks, in part, 00:01:56.760 --> 00:01:58.330 to investments in border barriers. 00:01:59.440 --> 00:02:01.580 This infrastructure proved to be good 00:02:01.580 --> 00:02:04.190 for our environment and our communities, too. 00:02:04.990 --> 00:02:07.410 In areas where we constructed barriers, 00:02:07.410 --> 00:02:10.810 deployed more agents and gained back control of the border, 00:02:10.810 --> 00:02:12.090 natural habitats 00:02:12.090 --> 00:02:14.560 damaged by illegal migration have recovered. 00:02:15.070 --> 00:02:17.160 Piles of discarded debris disappeared. 00:02:17.700 --> 00:02:19.450 Neighborhoods and businesses replaced 00:02:19.450 --> 00:02:22.020 what was once lawless wasteland. 00:02:22.020 --> 00:02:24.510 A wall works best as part of what we call 00:02:24.510 --> 00:02:25.910 a "Border Enforcement Zone," 00:02:26.470 --> 00:02:28.940 which includes technology and patrol roads. 00:02:29.490 --> 00:02:32.890 Border enforcement zones can make a huge difference, 00:02:32.890 --> 00:02:34.420 but a safe and secure border 00:02:34.930 --> 00:02:39.750 ultimately depends on men and women in uniform on patrol 00:02:39.750 --> 00:02:42.030 who faithfully enforce our nation's laws 00:02:42.030 --> 00:02:43.700 and ensure our national security. 00:02:44.820 --> 00:02:46.680 If you thought this video was helpful, 00:02:46.680 --> 00:02:48.680 please feel free to share it. 00:02:48.680 --> 00:02:50.680 Thank you for watching. 00:02:51.540 --> 00:02:55.350 To learn more about CBP, our mission and our people, 00:02:55.350 --> 00:02:57.150 check out our videos on YouTube. 00:02:57.770 --> 00:03:00.150 Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, 00:03:00.150 --> 00:03:03.500 or visit our website, CBP.gov.