WEBVTT 00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:12.866 Along the Southwest border specifically during the summertime, 00:00:12.866 --> 00:00:14.833 where we're seeing elevated temperatures, 00:00:14.833 --> 00:00:18.400 each Sector does border safety initiative events 00:00:18.400 --> 00:00:23.400 and the goal of these events is to educate or re-educate the public 00:00:23.400 --> 00:00:25.966 on some of the dangers of the journey 00:00:25.966 --> 00:00:27.533 that they're going to see. 00:00:27.533 --> 00:00:30.166 Engaging in irregular migration can be dangerous 00:00:30.166 --> 00:00:32.000 regardless of the time of year. 00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:33.300 In the wintertime, 00:00:33.300 --> 00:00:35.666 the temperatures can get extremely cold 00:00:35.666 --> 00:00:37.366 and in the summertime like we are right now, 00:00:37.366 --> 00:00:39.600 the temperatures can get very elevated. 00:00:39.600 --> 00:00:41.966 During the summertime the temperatures in the desert 00:00:41.966 --> 00:00:46.466 in the Southwest border are well in excess of 100 degrees. 00:00:46.466 --> 00:00:51.500 Waterways, you often will have to cross dangerous waterways 00:00:51.500 --> 00:00:55.700 and if you're not a strong swimmer, that could be extremely dangerous. 00:00:55.700 --> 00:00:57.566 And then the conditions that you're put in, 00:00:57.566 --> 00:01:00.500 in additiion to the elevated temperatures during the summertime, 00:01:00.500 --> 00:01:02.733 you'll have the unforgiving terrain, 00:01:02.733 --> 00:01:06.300 you'll have limited access to any additional food and water 00:01:06.300 --> 00:01:08.666 other than what you're able to bring with you. 00:01:08.666 --> 00:01:10.433 But most importantly you have to deal 00:01:10.433 --> 00:01:12.866 with the criminal element and the smugglers. 00:01:12.866 --> 00:01:16.600 They will often put your safety second to profit. 00:01:16.600 --> 00:01:18.100 So we want to get this information out 00:01:20.666 --> 00:01:25.600 Fiscal Year 21 had record numbers in migrant encounters 00:01:25.600 --> 00:01:28.366 and migrant rescues and migrant deaths. 00:01:28.366 --> 00:01:30.766 We recorded more in those three categories 00:01:30.766 --> 00:01:33.300 than we had ever before in our history. 00:01:33.300 --> 00:01:35.433 So the Missing Migrant Program highlights 00:01:35.433 --> 00:01:38.933 CBP's commitment to this humanitarian effort. 00:01:38.933 --> 00:01:42.633 We want to appeal to not only the migrants that are thinking 00:01:42.633 --> 00:01:46.033 about making this journey, but also their family members. 00:01:46.033 --> 00:01:49.500 Please do not do this journey, do not become a statistic. 00:01:49.500 --> 00:01:51.100 It's not worth your life.