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Importation Advisory - Kinder Eggs

Release Date
Thu, 03/08/2012

PEMBINA, N.D.—As the Spring travel season approaches, U.S. Customs and Border Protection would like to remind importers and the traveling public that a familiar product, popular at this time of year, is banned from import into the United States.

Kinder Eggs are hollow milk chocolate eggs about the size of a large hen's egg. They are usually packaged in a colorful foil wrapper and are a popular treat during the Easter holiday season. In each Kinder Egg, there is a toy contained in an oval-shaped plastic capsule within the chocolate. This toy has small parts that may require assembly. Each egg contains a different toy.

Kinder eggs are a prohibited item because they contain a toy surprise, hidden inside, that poses a choking and aspiration hazard for children younger than three years of age. Kinder Eggs may not be imported into the United States and will be confiscated and destroyed. The traveler, in possession of the Kinder Eggs, may also be allowed to take them back to Canada.

CBP, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission work in close collaboration to ensure the safety of imported goods. Travelers are encouraged to visit the CBP website at for useful information and publications such as "Know Before You Go" regarding what items travelers can legally bring into the United States.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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