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New AESDirect Portal Now Available in ACE

Updated | April 11, 2016

Transition of all AESDirect filings to ACE by April 2016

In support of Executive Order 13569, Streamlining the Export/Import Process for America’s Businesses, CBP and the U.S. Census Bureau have worked closely to migrate the legacy AESDirect  system to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), the primary system through which the single window will be realized.  In March 2014, CBP and Census completed the migration of the Automated Export System (AES) for EDI export commodity filings onto the ACE platform.  On November 30, 2015, the agencies launched the Refactored AESDirect system, for export commodity filings via the portal, in ACE. 

CBP and Census have announced a revised date of May 20, 2016 as the date by which all EDI and VPN filers should be fully transitioned off the legacy system and onto the Refactored AESDirect application in ACE.  Portal and AESPcLink filers are being transitioned off the legacy application and onto the Refactored AESDirect system by April 25, 2016, a staggered transition that began in February of this year. Weblink and Bulk Upload filers should be full transitioned by April 30, 2016.

As part of this transition from the legacy AESDirect system to the ACE Portal, Census will terminate the ability to file Electronic Export Information via legacy AESDirect at and the AESPcLink application in staggered phases as reflected below.  All legacy AESDirect filers are notified of their mandatory transition date to the Refactored AESDirect system upon login to the system.  Users are provided with a specific date that their account will be closed off, based on their filer ID.  However, users will maintain access to the Shipment Manager to view previously submitted shipments through May 20, 2016.  Please refer to the transition schedule below for more details.

Transition Schedule:

  • 02/29/2016: Prefixes 00-19
  • 03/14/2016: Prefixes 20-39
  • 03/28/2016: Prefixes 40-59
  • 04/11/2016: Prefixes 60-79
  • 04/25/2016: Prefixes 80-99

Please ensure you have secured ACE Exporter account access and taken the necessary steps to begin filing in the ACE Refactored AESDirect system prior to your mandatory transition date.

For more information regarding the transition, please visit the “AESDirect Transition to ACE: Refactored AESDirect” page at:

Last Modified: Jan 12, 2021