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Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Beware the Dangers of Counterfeits

Counterfeits threaten both the American economy and the health and safety of citizens.

The Truth Behind Counterfeits

The Dangers of Illicit Trade of Goods

IPR logo

The trade of counterfeit and pirated goods threatens America’s innovation economy, the competitiveness of our businesses, the livelihoods of U.S. workers, and, in some cases, national security and the health and safety of consumers. Protect yourself and your family by avoiding potentially dangerous counterfeit items.

Trade of illegitimate goods is associated with smuggling and other criminal activities, and often funds criminal enterprises. CBP and partner government agencies work side-by-side to protect the intellectual property rights of American businesses. Safeguarding them from unfair competition, and loss of consumer trust, while upholding American innovation and ingenuity.

  • Help CBP Protect Your IPR

    Partner with CBP to receive border enforcement on registered trademarks and copyrights.

  • Combat Against IPR Violations in Trade

    Learn how you can partner with CBP to protect and enforce IPR at U.S. borders.

Additional Information

  • Fake Goods

    We all buy stuff online - it's often quick, easy and cheap. But is it always safe? Learn about the dangers of counterfeits.

  • Think Again: McGruff the Crime Dog

    McGruff the Crime Dog is back with the Go For Real campaign to take a bite out of Counterfeits.

Last Modified: Feb 04, 2025