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  4. CBP Opioid Strategy

CBP Opioid Strategy

This strategy to combat opioids serves as an action plan encompassing what U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will accomplish with partners in aggressively identifying and interrupting the opioid supply chain. It is a living document that provides a blueprint to mobilize and prioritize resources in the fight against opioids while allowing for adjustments to be made as the environment evolves. Based on the deadly threat posed by fentanyl, its analogues, and other synthetic opioids, CBP is committed to dedicating its resources to thwart the illicit opioid supply chain and the networks promoting it. As the guardians of our nation’s borders, CBP has developed four strategic goals to combat illicit opioids and protect Americans.

  • Goal 1: Enhance collaboration and information-sharing to combat illicit opioids.
  • Goal 2: Produce actionable intelligence on illicit opioids.
  • Goal 3: Target the opioid supply chain.
  • Goal 4: Protect CBP personnel from exposure to opioids.

The safety of the American people remains of utmost importance to us. Our job involves taking necessary risks to protect them, and this strategy aims to adapt our traditional enforcement tactics to the ever-changing environment. Our success is dependent not only on the work that our agents, officers, scientists, and other supporting personnel do on a daily basis, but on collaborating with our law enforcement partners across the United States and around the world to tackle this global problem that is responsible for a staggering number of lives lost due to fatal overdoses.

This vast network of partnerships that CBP has cultivated will assist us to conduct inter- and intra-agency operations that will lead to actionable information and intelligence to better target the opioid supply chain while ensuring the safety of our personnel and canines.

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CBP Strategy to Combat Opioids PDF 1.58 MB 05/27/2021
Last Modified: May 27, 2021