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An official website of the United States government


    • This document provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.

    • This document provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.

    • This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.

    • This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems. This document is being posted to this portal to provide stakeholders with useful information.

    • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) maintains a notional development and deployment schedule (Dev/Dep schedule) of planned ACE enhancements. This schedule reflects those enhancements that have been prioritized and funded, and that CBP has begun developing. This is a notional schedule, and it is...