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Dental and Vision Insurance

The Federal Employee Dental and Vision Benefits Enhancement Act of 2004 provided OPM the opportunity to establish arrangements under which supplemental dental and vision benefits are made available to Federal employees, retirees, and their dependents.

Dental and vision benefits are available to eligible Federal and Postal employees, retirees, and their eligible family members on an enrollee-pay-all basis. This Program allows dental insurance and vision insurance to be purchased on a group basis which means competitive premiums and no pre-existing condition limitations. Premiums for enrolled Federal and Postal employees are withheld from salary on a pre-tax basis.

Please view the information below to learn more about your vision and dental insurance options.

Vision Insurance Overview

Who Can Enroll?

  • Federal employees who are eligible to enroll in FEHB health insurance, but you do not have to be enrolled in FEHB
  • Annuitants receiving an immediate annuity regardless of FEHB eligibility
  • Contact your human resources office if you are unsure of your eligibility

Who Is Covered by My Enrollment?

  • Self Only covers just you
  • Self Plus One covers you and one specified eligible family member: your spouse or one unmarried dependent child under age 22
  • Self and Family covers you, your spouse, and all your unmarried dependent children under age 22 listed on your enrollment

When Can I Enroll?

  • During your first 60 days as a newly eligible employee
  • During the Federal Benefits Open Season (mid-November to mid-December)
  • When you have a qualifying life event such as marriage or losing other vision coverage

How Much Does It Cost?

  • It depends on what plan you select. Vision premiums start at around $3 biweekly ($7 monthly) for Self Only.
  • All plans provide benefits for your choice of either glasses or contacts.

Dental Insurance Overview

Who Can Enroll?

  • Federal employees who are eligible to enroll in FEHB health insurance, but you do not have to be enrolled in FEHB
  • Annuitants receiving an immediate annuity regardless of FEHB eligibility
  • Contact your human resources office if you are unsure of your eligibility

Who Is Covered by My Enrollment?

  • Self Only covers just you
  • Self Plus One covers you and one specified eligible family member: your spouse or one unmarried dependent child under age 22
  • Self and Family covers you, your spouse, and all your unmarried dependent children under age 22 listed on your enrollment

When Can I Enroll?

  • During your first 60 days as a newly eligible employee
  • During the Federal Benefits Open Season (mid-November to mid-December)
  • When you have a qualifying life event such as marriage or losing other dental coverage

How Much Does It Cost?

  • It depends on what plan you select and where you live. Some areas pay higher premiums than others.
  • Routine basic services like exams and cleanings are covered 100% when you use a network dentist. For other services, you usually pay part of the cost out-of-pocket.
Last Modified: Nov 13, 2024
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