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CBP is committed to recognizing the importance of maintaining a physically fit and healthy workforce. The HealthierCBP platform fosters a culture of wellness that encourages and promotes the well-being of our workforce through a variety of resources and programs.

Agency-Wide Physical Fitness Program

The Agency-Wide Physical Fitness Program (AWPFP) is available to all CBP employees and supports participation in approved physical activity during duty hours with supervisor approval. This program directly supports CBP's commitment to creating a healthy workforce where physical fitness is embraced as a critical element of mission readiness and personal resilience. Use of the program may vary slightly based upon employee's bargaining unit status.

For additional information on CBP fitness programs, please email

Health Coaching

Change is hard. Sometimes you need an invested partner to hold you accountable. CBP Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has professional health coaches who are specially trained to do just that. They can drive and motivate you and actively strategize ways to help you make lasting lifestyle changes in areas such as:

  • Weight management;
  • Healthy eating;
  • Tobacco cessation; 
  • Stress management:
  • Fitness and exercise; or,
  • General health and wellness. 

All CBP EAP services are free, confidential and provided telephonically. Participants are entitled to 12 sessions per topic, during which health coaches will help you create an action plan, commit to healthy choices, overcome roadblocks and celebrate your successes.

Webinars and Workshops

Our workforce and their families can take advantage of live-talk and on-demand webinars and workshops on a wide range of health and wellness topics.

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Additional Resources

  • Adult Vaccine Assessment Tool provides vaccine recommendations to adults 19 years and older based upon age, health conditions, job and other factors.
  • Federal Employee Health Benefits Incentives & Discounts (Blue Cross Blue Shield) offers discounts and incentive programs to encourage members to take an active role in their health.
  • Find Your Park by area, activity, park name, and more.
  • Move Your Way Activity Planner lets you set goals and choose activities to create an activity plan and track your progress throughout the week.
  • My HealthFinder Tool provides information on various health conditions and topics and recommends screening tests and vaccines to make sure your family is up to date on preventive services.
  • MyPlate offers tools, resources and recipes to improve your health and well-being through nutrition education, dietary guidance and cost saving opportunities.

Contact for additional information on HealthierCBP programs.


Last Modified: Apr 07, 2023
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