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Policies, Procedures and Directives

CBP has numerous policies, procedures, and directives. Please search for the document using titles or keywords.

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Title Abstract File Download Document Post Date Last Modified Date
CBP Directive on Privacy Policy, Compliance, and Implementation This Directive provides CBP personnel with procedures and practices for safeguarding the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information; or when engaged in activities that otherwise impact the privacy of individuals. Publication No. 1724-0422
CBP Directive on the Public Disclosure of Employee Information This Directive is designed to provide CBP personnel with guidance and procedures related to the disclosure of employee data, specifically personally identifiable information, in response to third-party requests. Publication No. 1724-0422
CBP Directive on the Disclosure of CBP Info to Foreign Authorities This Directive is designed to provide CBP personnel with procedures and practices for the disclosure of CBP-collected and maintained information, including records containing personally identifiable information, to foreign authorities. Publication No. 1724-0422
Procedures for Personal Effects The purpose of this memo is to notify all Office of Field Operations personnel of an update to the Seized Asset Management and Enforcement Procedures handbook.
2013-031_Roles and Responsibilities of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Offices and Personnel Regarding Provision of Language Access This directive defines the roles and responsibilities of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel in providing limited English proficient (LEP) persons with meaningful access to the agency’s programs and activities. CBP has long recognized the importance of effective and accurate communication between CBP personnel and the public CBP serves. Language barriers can negatively impact...
Vulnerability Disclosure Program Policy and Rules of Engagement As a component of DHS, CBP has an information and communications technology footprint that is tightly interwoven and globally deployed. Many DHS/CBP technologies are deployed in critical infrastructure systems and, to varying degrees, support ongoing homeland security operations. CBP’s information systems provide essential services in support of our mission to protect the American people...
Policy Statement and Required Actions Regarding Pregnant, Postpartum, Nursing Individuals, and Infants in Custody This memorandum on CBP’s policy and required actions regarding pregnant, postpartum, nursing individuals, and infants establishes formal guidance related to care in custody and documentation requirements consistent with recommendations from the DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG Report No. OIG-21-49) made in July 2021. This is the first action CBP is taking to address the recommendations in that...
Directive 2210-005: Children Born in the United States in CBP Custody and/or at a CBP Facility This directive establishes U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) policy governing the processing of children born in the United States in CBP custody and/or at a CBPfacility, as well as the processing of their parent(s) and any additional minor child(ren) accompanying the parent(s).
CBP Directive No. 3340-030B This directive establishes national policy for the temporary detention, transport and escort of persons by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This directive also establishes guidance on the temporary use of restraints for persons suspected of posing a threat to the safety of officers or others prior to the detection of a violation or subsequent arrest. In addition, guidance for third party...
CBP Directive 5430-001 - CBP Policies Publication Process This directive mandates that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Directives requiring the Commissioner’s signature and CBP Policy Memorandums issued by the Office of the Commissioner, Policy Directorate (PD Memos) be released publicly unless they contain information that should not and/or cannot be released for personnel safety, privacy, or legal reasons.
CBP Directive 5430-001 Public Release of CBP Directives and Policy Directorate Memorandums Policy on how to release directives publicly.
CBP Directive No. 51713-007B - Reasonable Accommodation Procedures for Applicants and Employees with Disabilities CBP Directive No. 51713-007B - Reasonable Accommodation Procedures for Applicants and Employees with Disabilities
CBP DIRECTIVE 4320-030B - Incident-Driven Video Recording System The three-year retention schedule for potentially evidentiary material which is noted in Section is currently undergoing review with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) per 36 CFR 1230.3. Until the retention schedule is approved by NARA, these files will be retained indefinitely.
CBP Directive 51735-013B: U.S Customs and Border Protection Standards of Conduct This directive establishes the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) policy on the ethical conduct and responsibilities of all CBP employees.
Directive 2210-004 - CBP Enhanced Medical Efforts This directive directs U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)'s deployment of enhanced medical efforts to mitigate risk to, and improve care for, individuals in CBP custody along the Southwest Border (SWB) as a result of surges in Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) and Family Unit Aliens (FMUA). This Directive shall be executed in compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations, or... , ,
Last Modified: Nov 12, 2024