The Documents Library contains forms, guidance, reports, regulations, factsheets and more. Enter search terms below to search the library.
Engage With a Candidate: Employee Recruiter Toolkit | Fact Sheets
Here you will find a key language and templates you can leverage when connecting with potential candidates in your network.
Cargo Release Condition / Error Codes | Guidance
This document provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.
ACE Air CAMIR Appendix A: Codes | Guidance
This document provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.
Japan Steel Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Periodic Usage and Limit Tables for 2024 or United Kingdom Steel and Aluminum TRQ Periodic Usage and Limit Tables for 2024 were reviewed prior to the start of each period. Full instructions and entry filing guidance are in the corresponding country/commodity quota...
ACE Cargo Release SO Status v34.1 | Guidance
This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems. This document is being posted to this portal to provide stakeholders with useful information.
ACE Drawback Error Dictionary | Guidance
This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.
Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Statistics | FOIA Record
The following documents contain data and statistics for Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol. For all other publicly available documents related to the US-Mexico border wall, please click the button below. All Other DHS Publicly Available Documents on the US-Mexico Border Wall
Active Section 232 Product Exclusions in ACE | Publications
CBP is posting the active Section 232 product exclusions in ACE on a weekly basis. If you are unable to file an entry with one of these active product exclusion numbers, contact your CBP Client Representative.
Daily Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Multipliers are provided in Excel and PDF format. Note: For the official list of countries that are currently using the Euro (EUR), please go to the European Union's website.
CBP is posting certain deactivated Section 232 product exclusions that have met or exceeded their 95 percent threshold in ACE on a weekly basis. To utilize any remaining quantity, importers can choose to file a Post Summary Correction (PSC) and request a refund of any Section 232 duties paid.