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  4. Peer Support & Chaplaincy Programs

Peer Support and Chaplaincy Programs

Peer Support Program

Employees often are more inclined to reach out to a peer for help before seeking assistance from a mental-health professional; therefore, the Peer Support Program (PSP) assists in the promotion and maintenance of the physical and mental well-being of employees and their families. Working as a team, they work to achieve the goal of ensuring every employee has the support they need for themselves and their family.

The Peer Support Program, in concert with the Employee Assistance Program offers the following services:

  • Suicide prevention and intervention
  • Psychological and emotional support
  • Response to the scene and/or hospital in cases of officer death/injury
  • Grief support (including assisting with death notifications)
  • Stress management education
  • Victim witness assistance
  • Substance abuse and domestic violence information and referrals
  • Response to major disasters and other traumatic events
  • Pre- and post-detail support
  • Relationship support referrals

Referrals to the CBP Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Peer Support members will not disclose anything told to them under the program including the identities of those seeking Peer Support services.

Additionally, no written records are kept. The only exceptions to disclosure are when there is a danger to life, or where such disclosure is required by law and/or agency policy.

If the employee does not wish to speak with a Peer Support Member, he/she may contact the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-755-7002.

Chaplaincy Program

The Chaplaincy Program comprises a network of CBP employees who are dedicated to serving CBP employees and their families in a collateral duty capacity by providing both spiritual and non-spiritual care. CBP chaplains foster a work environment rich in resources that will enable employees to overcome adversity and empower them to attain the highest level of professionalism. The purpose of the Chaplaincy Program is to provide a confidential, peer-driven resource for guidance, counseling and assistance to employees and their immediate families in both crisis and non-crisis situations. The use of the Chaplain is voluntary and available to all personnel in an ecumenical and non-judgmental manner, inclusive of all faith traditions and religious orientation.

The use of the Chaplain is voluntary and available to all personnel in an ecumenical and non-judgmental manner without regard to their faith or religious orientation.

CBP employees can find a local Peer Support Member or Chaplain by emailing

Last Modified: Mar 05, 2025
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