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Agents perform second water rescue in week

Release Date
Mon, 02/22/2021

YUMA, Ariz. – Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents rescued three illegal aliens from drowning in the Salinity Canal Thursday evening. The rescue was the second in a week where agents have saved the lives of people who misjudged the canal’s strong currents.

Just before 8 p.m., agents responded to the canal near County 13 ½ after a group of 23 illegally crossed the border into the United States and then attempted to cross the canal. Two females and one male couldn’t escape the canal due to the fast-moving current. Agents threw rescue discs to the aliens and pulled them from the canal.

Agents had a similar rescue earlier in the week when an illegal crosser attempted to cross the same canal and struggled with the current. Agents threw a rescue disc to her and pulled her from the water.


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Last Modified: Feb 22, 2021

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