Welcome to the General Aviation Processing FAQ page. To see the answer to one of the questions listed below, click on the question. If you don't see your question answered, please feel free to reach out to GAsupport@cbp.dhs.gov.
General Aviation Support
From a desktop computer:
- Navigate to www.cbp.gov
- Click on "Travel" at the top of the page
- Click on one of three options:
- "General Aviation Processing" (Home Page)
- "General Aviation Airport Fact Sheets" (Airport Fact Sheet Catalog)
- "General Aviation Processing FAQs" (FAQ Library)
From a Mobile Device:
- Navigate to www.cbp.gov
- Click on "Travel"
- Scroll down the page and click on one of three options:
- "General Aviation Processing" (Home Page)
- "General Aviation Airport Fact Sheets" (Airport Fact Sheet Catalog)
- "General Aviation Processing FAQs" (FAQ Library)
The “U.S. Customs Guide for Private Flyers” has not been a valid document for over fifteen years. The document – in printed or electronic form – was always obsolete after live publication because things in GA just change too much. While it still may be available from some non-CBP websites, it should not be relied upon for any current/accurate information.
Public information outreach is now available through updates to the General Aviation Page on cbp.gov instead of a static document.
Yes! The CBP General Aviation office conducts a “Coffee with Customs” webinar the last Tuesday of the month. For more information about our next webinar, contact us at GAsupport@cbp.dhs.gov.
You should contact CBP at the airport of arrival or departure to get your questions answered. If you still have questions you can send an email message to GAsupport@cbp.dhs.gov.
“APIS” is the Advance Passenger Information System. APIS manifest transmissions are required for all private aircraft, commercial aircraft, and commercial vessel operations arriving into and departing from the United States.
“eAPIS” refers to the CBP web portal which can be used to fulfill APIS requirements. While APIS is required by all operators of private aircraft, commercial aircraft, and commercial vessel operators, not everyone uses eAPIS to fulfill the manifest transmission requirements.
It is helpful to understand the distinction and differences between “APIS” and “eAPIS”; and important to use the terms correctly.
You can regain access to your eAPIS account by resetting your password.
The official CBP link to eAPIS is https://eapis.cbp.dhs.gov.
No. After transmitting an APIS manifest, you need explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
Additionally, you’ll need to ensure you have purchased a current Private Aircraft User Fee decal from the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website, https://dtops.cbp.dhs.gov .
These are some basic requirements that apply to all private aircraft operators. Please reach out to the local CBP port for an Airport Fact Sheet and more specific information that may apply to your specific plans and configuration.
No. APIS manifest requirements apply to both arrivals and departures from the United States. Additionally, you need to ensure you have received permission to land for arrivals and permission to depart for departures.
For arrivals, permission to land is explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
For departures, permission to depart is explicit permission to depart from CBP. Private aircraft departure permissions to depart (clearances) are routinely granted systematically after the transmission of the APIS manifest. Commercial aircraft departure permissions to depart (clearances) are granted by the CBP airport associated with the commercial aircraft departure. Contact the CBP port associated with your commercial aircraft departure directly within 72 hours of the anticipated departure.
There are no APIS requirements for you if you are a passenger aboard a commercial airline (or a charter or private aircraft). The airline (or the charter operator or the private aircraft pilot) is responsible for transmitting the required information – not the passenger.
For security reasons you need access to the email address associated with your eAPIS Sender ID. If you have lost access to that email address, you’ll need to create a new eAPIS account.
You can cancel manifests by contacting the CBP port associated with your flight, directly.
These medical personnel should be listed as passengers (for arrival and departure manifests and processing). CBP would not consider these personnel crew members because they are not performing duties in furtherance of the flight itself.
No, there is not an established national traveler limit for General Aviation aircraft. We assess each permission to land request on a case-by-case basis considering the totality of circumstances and CBP resources available – the decision is not solely based on the number of travelers on board.
Many CBP locations are not equipped or staffed to process large numbers of travelers. Please contact CBP at the anticipated airport of arrival well in advance of your flight to discuss the feasibility of your plans.
Great question!
1) You’ll need to transmit an APIS manifest of the conveyance and all travelers aboard both ways.
2) On the departure, you need to receive an email clearance from us telling you you’re good to go.
3) And on the arrival into the U.S., you need explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
4) Additionally, you’ll need to ensure you have purchased a current Private Aircraft User Fee decal from the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website, https://dtops.cbp.dhs.gov .
These are some basic requirements that apply to all private aircraft operators. Please reach out to the local CBP port for an Airport Fact Sheet and more specific information that may apply to your specific plans and configuration.
No. After transmitting an APIS manifest, you need explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
Additionally, you’ll need to ensure you have purchased a current Private Aircraft User Fee decal from the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website, https://dtops.cbp.dhs.gov .
These are some basic requirements that apply to all private aircraft operators. Please reach out to the local CBP port for an Airport Fact Sheet and more specific information that may apply to your specific plans and configuration.
No. APIS manifest requirements apply to both arrivals and departures from the United States. Additionally, you need to ensure you have received permission to land for arrivals and permission to depart for departures.
For arrivals, permission to land is explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
For departures, permission to depart is explicit permission to depart from CBP. Private aircraft departure permissions to depart (clearances) are routinely granted systematically after the transmission of the APIS manifest. Commercial aircraft departure permissions to depart (clearances) are granted by the CBP airport associated with the commercial aircraft departure. Contact the CBP port associated with your commercial aircraft departure directly within 72 hours of the anticipated departure.
Yes, there is no regulatory basis requiring pilots and travelers to remain onboard an arriving aircraft awaiting formal or direct permission to deplane. Such practices can be detrimental to personal, aircraft, and aviation safety – especially in cases of inclement weather and extreme temperatures. Any traveler movement outside the immediate aircraft area or interactions with other individuals, though, is not permitted without specific and direct CBP authorization. In all cases, especially where health and safety concerns present or exist, please exercise reasonable and responsible judgement.
For GA aircraft with an APU exhaust configured less than 8 feet off the ground, the APU must be powered down during CBP inspection and processing.
For GA aircraft equipped with an APU exhaust located on the fuselage 8 feet or higher from the ground, the APU may - at the discretion of the operator – remain powered and any electrical systems served by the APU (navigational, comfort, safety, etc.) may remain powered.
Any crew supervision of the aircraft while the APU is running that is required for aviation safety and security will be accommodated by CBP. In cases involving CBP enforcement actions, however, CBP officers will require an APU shutdown, as necessary.
The utilization of a Ground Power Unit (GPU) - at the discretion of the operator - is acceptable for all GA aircraft regardless of APU configuration.
While private aircraft operators generally do not require a CBP bond, in some cases (generally ad-hoc cargo-processing operations), CBP Bond requirements and conditions set forth in 19 CFR Parts 113 and 122 may apply. For commercial GA operations, however, CBP bond requirements routinely apply to the transportation of commercial passengers and/or cargo.
An oral declaration may be permitted by the CBP Officer processing the flight. At the discretion of the CBP Officer, a written declaration on CBP Form 6059B for passengers or CBP Form 5129 for crewmembers may be required. Please refer to 19 CFR 148 Subpart B and Subpart G.
General Aviation Travel Documents
Generally, no. Valid travel documentation is required for all passengers a general aviation operator boards and subsequently transports. Transporting undocumented travelers aboard General Aviation aircraft can result in penalty case initiation, loss of Trusted Traveler status, and a six-month Overflight Exemption suspension.
In all cases where a U.S. citizen has had their passport lost or stolen, the General Aviation operator should contact the CBP port associated with the anticipated flight to discuss the specific situation and any extenuating circumstances.
The U.S. Department of State (DOS) is responsible for granting, issuing, and verifying U.S. passports.
If one of your passengers loses (lost, stolen, etc.) their U.S. passport while traveling abroad:
1) They should report their passport as lost or stolen immediately to protect themself from identity theft. The report can be submitted online using the Department of State’s Online Form Filler. When a passport is reported as lost or stolen, it is no longer valid for international travel. A foreign country may deny your entry if you try to use that passport. Or you might not be allowed to leave if you are already abroad.
2) To travel after a passport has been reported lost or stolen, the traveler will need to apply for a new passport.
3) For U.S. citizens, contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate as soon as possible – before attempting to return to the United States – for assistance. Ask to speak to the Consular Section to report your passport lost or stolen. Full contact information for U.S. embassies and consulates is also available from the DOS country information pages.
If a loved one is abroad and their U.S. passport has been lost or stolen, you can call the Office of Overseas Citizens Services at 1-888-407-4747. They will be able to help you put your loved one in touch with the closest U.S. embassy or consulate.
For more information regarding lost or stolen passports:
Private Aircraft User Fee Decals and DTOPS
The Decal/Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website lets you place orders and pay online for Annual User Fees (Commercial Vehicles, Private Vessels, and Private Aircraft) and Single Crossing Fees (Commercial Vehicles) associated with crossing the border into the United States. Transponders are used for commercial vehicles while decals are used for private aircraft and private vessels (30 ft.+). Single crossing fees apply only to commercial vehicles.
The current cost for a Private User Fee Decal is $35.98 (effective October 1, 2024).
The cost typically increases on October 1st of each year.
For more information, contact the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website.
You may purchase a current Private Aircraft User Fee decal from the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website.
If you purchased a Private Aircraft User Fee decal, but the decal has not yet been received, upon arrival, you can demonstrate compliance to the inspecting CBP officer by providing:
• an electronic or printed order history (available to the operator after the application has been made) or
• an electronic or printed order receipt (available after the order has been processed by DTOPS).
In cases when you have purchased a decal, but the decal has not yet been received, please enter “receipt” in the decal number field in your APIS transmission and advise CBP port personnel of your circumstances when securing permission to land.
You can update your Private Aircraft User Fee decal the next time you transmit a manifest. eAPIS stores the most recent information associated with the last manifested aircraft information.
The process is a few simple steps.
1) Once you’ve logged into eAPIS, choose to either create a new “Notice of Departure” or a “Notice of Arrival” from the Traveler Options section of the Manifest Options Page. (These directions will demonstrate a Notice of Departure choice.)
2) After choosing to create a “Notice of Departure”, you’ll see the first page of the manifest transmission page. After entering or reviewing the aircraft tail number, city pairs, contact information, and traveler counts, click the NEXT button on the bottom right of the page.
3) The next screen you’ll see is the “Aircraft Information” screen. This is where you will be able to update your new decal information.
You can contact DTOPS by email at decals@cbp.dhs.gov or by phone at (317) 298-1245.
Great question!
1) You’ll need to transmit an APIS manifest of the conveyance and all travelers aboard both ways.
2) On the departure, you need to receive an email clearance from us telling you you’re good to go.
3) And on the arrival into the U.S., you need explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
4) Additionally, you’ll need to ensure you have purchased a current Private Aircraft User Fee decal from the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System (DTOPS) website, https://dtops.cbp.dhs.gov .
These are some basic requirements that apply to all private aircraft operators. Please reach out to the local CBP port for an Airport Fact Sheet and more specific information that may apply to your specific plans and configuration.
No. APIS manifest requirements apply to both arrivals and departures from the United States. Additionally, you need to ensure you have received permission to land for arrivals and permission to depart for departures.
For arrivals, permission to land is explicit permission to land from the port of arrival. You’ll need to call and get that from them before departing from the foreign area.
For departures, permission to depart is explicit permission to depart from CBP. Private aircraft departure permissions to depart (clearances) are routinely granted systematically after the transmission of the APIS manifest. Commercial aircraft departure permissions to depart (clearances) are granted by the CBP airport associated with the commercial aircraft departure. Contact the CBP port associated with your commercial aircraft departure directly within 72 hours of the anticipated departure.
Private Aircraft departures from the United States can originate from virtually anywhere – even if departing from a non-CBP Airport.
CBP’s online web portal, eAPIS, makes this type of transmission easy:
- If the last U.S. departure point is from a port or place that does not have an airport code listed in the table provided in eAPIS, use the airport code of the nearest CBP airport to the departure site.
- In the “Actual Departure Location Description” field, describe the actual place from which the aircraft will depart. This is an optional field which should be used only when the location of actual departure differs from the airport listed in the “CBP Airport” field. The “City” field should be the actual city from which the aircraft is departing.
Airport Fact Sheets
Airport fact sheets are published on the CBP General Aviation Airport Fact Sheet page. If an airport fact sheet is not found on this site then please contact CBP at the airport you intend to arrive at or depart from.
There are 383 airports where CBP services are normally provided. There are currently 344 fact sheets in publication.
Border Overflight Exemptions (BOE)
Under 19 CFR § 122.23, operators of certain GA aircraft (generally private and unscheduled charter aircraft) arriving from some areas south of the United States are required to provide an advance notice of arrival and land at certain designated airports listed in 19 CFR § 122.24(b) for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) processing unless exempted from this requirement through an Overflight Exemption provided for in 19 CFR § 122.25.
Arrivals at the first port of entry and Overflight Exemptions are not required for flights arriving in the United States from Canada.
See 19 CFR § 122.23 "Certain aircraft arriving from areas south of the U.S." for more details
For the latest application instructions, please contact GAsupport@cbp.dhs.gov.
Overflight Exemption Application Processing (new applications – including expired Exemptions, renewal requests, operator name changes) will take no more than thirty (30) days and there is no charge or fee associated with the process. Apply timely within 30-45 days of expiration for renewals and 30 days prior to the first anticipated flights for new applications.
No. The CBP Form 442 has expired and is no longer used. The new application process is simple, easy, and electronic with no need to physically mail anything! For more information regarding the Overflight Exemption application process, please contact GAsupport@cbp.dhs.gov.
There is no charge or fee associated with the BOE process.
Onward Domestic Movements of General Aviation Aircraft Arriving in the United States
Private aircraft arriving in the United States may require a Permit to Proceed (PTP) if arriving with residue foreign cargo. Private aircraft never require an International Traffic Permit (ITP). Please refer to our Onward Domestic Movements Guidance Document.
Certain, but not all General Aviation Aircraft arriving in the United States require a permit for onward domestic movements. There are two categories of permits applicable to the onward domestic movement of certain General Aviation Aircraft; International Traffic Permits (ITP), 19 CFR Subpart F and Permits to Proceed (PTP), 19 CFR Subpart I. Please refer to our Onward Domestic Movements Guidance Document.
Reimbursable Services Program (RSP)
The Reimbursable Services Program (RSP) enables partnerships between CBP and private sector or government entities, allowing CBP to provide additional inspection services upon the request of stakeholders. In the General Aviation environment, many operators and service providers benefit from RSP participation, facilitating off-hours arrivals. For more information visit www.cbp.gov/rsp.
A detailed description of the Reimbursable Services Program (RSP) and guidance for submitting a letter of application can be found at www.cbp.gov/rsp. Applicants are strongly encouraged to coordinate with the affected local CBP Field Office and Port of Entry in developing their letters of application.
In an expansion from previous years, the submission period will remain open indefinitely, with three evaluation windows annually. Please refer to the table on the Application Guidance page for more information on when the evaluation process begins.
You can contact the RSP office by email at RSP@cbp.dhs.gov.
Bringing an Animal into the United States
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regulations govern the importation of certain animals capable of carrying diseases that can be transmitted to humans (zoonotic diseases). Pets taken out of the United States are subject upon return to the same regulations as those entering for the first time. These regulations apply whether the person bringing the animal into the United States is a U.S. citizen, legal U.S. resident, or foreign national. CDC-regulated animals are subject to inspection at ports of entry. For more information please visit the CDC website.
If you are bringing a dog to the U.S., starting on August 1, 2024, there are new steps you need to take. These steps depend on where your dog has been in the past 6 months. The following resources will help you comply with the new regulations:
- Bringing a Dog into the United States
- Entry Requirements for Dogs from Dog-Rabies Free or Low-Risk Countries
- Entry Requirements for U.S.-Vaccinated Dogs from High-Risk Countries
- High-Risk Countries for Dog Rabies
- Entry Requirements for Foreign-Vaccinated Dogs from High-Risk Countries
- Documents for Veterinarians to Complete for Dogs Being Imported into the United States
- Information for Air Carriers on Dogs Being Imported into the United States
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Dog Importations
CBP will process dogs onboard General Aviation aircraft as they always have. The CBP Officer will apply the new requirements effective August 1, 2024. If a dog is denied entry, then the carrier must return the animal to the country of departure on the next available flight, regardless of carrier or direct route and no later than 72 hours after arrival. The importer bears all expense for the animal’s return. If the importer abandons a live animal shipment, the carrier bears all expenses related to the animal’s return.
Most importantly, GA aircraft operators should make sure that live animals meet all CDC requirements prior to boarding for flight to the United States.
Yes. Pets taken out of the United States are subject upon return to the same regulations as those entering for the first time. CDC issues regulations to control the entry of dogs into the United States from other countries. These rules apply to all dogs, including puppies, service animals, and dogs that left the United States and are returning. For more information on the requirements to bring a dog into the United States, visit Bringing a Dog into the U.S.
CDC requires that cats appear healthy upon arrival to the United States. Cats are subject to inspection at ports of entry and may be denied entry into the United States if they have evidence of a zoonotic disease.
Cats are not required to have proof of rabies vaccination for importation into the United States. However, CDC recommends that all cats be vaccinated against rabies, and your U.S. destination may have additional requirements.
All cats arriving in the state of Hawaii and the territory of Guam, even from the U.S. mainland, are subject to locally imposed quarantine requirements.
Cats that arrive ill will be required to undergo veterinary examination and testing to rule out zoonotic diseases (diseases that can be passed from animals to humans) of public health concern at the importer’s expense. Cats that arrive dead will be required to undergo necropsy (an animal autopsy) and testing to rule out zoonotic diseases of health concern at the importer’s expense.
Aircraft operator requirements for managing cats that arrive sick or dead are the same as those for dogs that arrive sick or dead.
For the requirements to bring other animals into the United States please visit the CDC page Bringing an Animal into the U.S.