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  4. CBP Revokes Global Entry Membership; Traveler fails to provide truthful declaration, results in loss of privileges

CBP Revokes Global Entry Membership; Traveler fails to provide truthful declaration, results in loss of privileges

Release Date
Fri, 04/15/2016

DALLAS – U.S. Customs and Border Protection revoked the Global Entry membership of a U.S. citizen who failed to make a truthful customs declaration after he arrived to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, April 9.

CBP agriculture specialists discovered more than five pounds of prohibited agricultural products in the Global Entry member’s luggage.

CBP agriculture specialists discovered more than five pounds of prohibited agricultural products in the Global Entry member’s luggage.
CBP agriculture specialists discovered
more than five pounds of prohibited
agricultural products in the Global
Entry member’s luggage.

The traveler, 50, who was arriving from India, declared no agriculture-related items.  However, when CBP agriculture specialists examined his luggage, they discovered more than four pounds of rice and over a pound of raw peanuts.  These products are prohibited from entering into the United States because as they could introduce harmful pests and plant diseases associated from India. 

As a result, the traveler was issued a $500 civil penalty and his Global Entry membership was revoked.

“We provide several opportunities for international travelers to make an accurate and truthful declaration upon arriving into the U.S.,” said CBP Port Director Cleatus Hunt. “When travelers refuse to comply, we take the appropriate action. This particular seizure illustrates our commitment to protecting our agriculture industry and ensuring that Global Entry members remain trusted travelers.”

CBP agriculture specialists have extensive training and experience in biological sciences, risk analysis, and agriculture inspectional techniques. They are the first line of defense in the protection of U.S. agriculture, forest and livestock industries from exotic plant pests and animal

diseases.  Read more about CBP’s agriculture protection mission.

Global Entry is a voluntary program for pre-approved low-risk international travelers coming into the U.S. allowing members to bypass the traditional CBP inspection process to expedite their processing.   U.S. citizens, nationals and lawful permanent residents may apply for Global

Entry as well as citizens of certain countries with which CBP has trusted traveler arrangements, including Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, Panama, the Republic of Korea, and the United Kingdom.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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