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Citizen Helps Border Patrol Agents Arrest Guatemalan Illegally Entering Vt.

Release Date
Fri, 12/04/2015

RICHFORD, Vt. – U.S. Border Patrol agents from Swanton Sector arrest two subjects on Nov. 28, as a result of a citizen reporting suspicious activity of a male walking away from the Canadian border. Two other individuals were questioned and released.

Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents patrolling the railroad tracks near Alburg, Vt.

Swanton Sector Border Patrol agents patrolling the railroad tracks near Alburg, Vt.

Agents from the Richford Border Patrol Station responded to a call from a concerned citizen reporting an adult male walking south from the Canadian border on the railroad tracks in Richford. When agents encountered the individual, he was walking on a street towards a local motel. During initial questioning by agents, the subject, a Guatemalan, was determined to be illegally present in the U.S., a violation of USC 1325, Entry Without Inspection. Agents were also able to determine that the individuals outside the motel observing the arrest were associates of the Guatemalan subject. Subsequently, all of the individuals were transported to the Richford Station for further investigation.

After questioning and database verifications, two of the subjects were determined to be U.S. citizens and were released. The initial individual, who entered the U.S. illegally, was processed as an expedited removal and returned to Canada.

The Swanton Sector thanks and appreciates the concerned citizen for reporting this incident. Your assistance is invaluable to our border security mission and we welcome other community members to help us keep our nation’s borders safe and report suspicious activity at 1-800-689-3362.

For more on CBP’s mission at our nation’s ports of entry with CBP officers and along U.S. borders with Border Patrol agents, please visit the Border Security section of the CBP website.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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