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  4. Del Rio Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Two in Failed Human Smuggling Attempt

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol Agents Arrest Two in Failed Human Smuggling Attempt

Release Date
Tue, 09/03/2019

CARRIZO SPRINGS, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Carrizo Springs Station arrested a United States citizen and a legally admitted permanent resident for attempting to smuggle two illegal aliens in the trunk of their vehicle Aug. 29.

“High temperatures and other dangers including carbon monoxide poisoning can cause serious injuries to people riding in the trunk of a car,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “This case is just another example of the hazardous conditions human smugglers force upon illegal aliens.”

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Highway 277 checkpoint discovered two illegal aliens concealed in the trunk of a 2003 BMW during an immigration inspection. The driver, Brendon Taylor Bobbitt, 27, and passenger, Jessica Llanos Garcia, 36, were both arrested for alien smuggling.

The illegal immigrants, both Nicaraguan nationals, were transported to the Carrizo Springs Station and processed per U.S. Customs and Border Protection guidelines.

The driver and passenger face prosecution for 8 USC § 1324 – alien smuggling, which carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

Last Modified: Mar 08, 2024

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