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Seattle CBP Officers Apprehend Cruise Ship Deserter

Release Date
Mon, 08/19/2019

SEATTLEOn Monday, August 12, 2019, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) conducted an enforcement operation regarding the apprehension of an individual identified as a crewmember who deserted a maritime vessel.  In 2015 the subject who was a crewmember onboard a cruise ship deserted the vessel without authorization from CBP nor knowledge of the cruise line.

CBP, with assistance from the Border Security Enforcement Task Force, located the subject’s current residence and apprehended the subject outside his home. The subject was positively identified and placed under arrest.  He will be processed for removal proceedings. 

Luca Furnare, CBP Acting Port Director for the Area Port of Seattle stated, “Crewmember deserters pose a potential threat to national security and circumvent the screening process for intending immigrants.  It is through collaborative efforts with local law enforcement partners that CBP can combat illegal activity and apprehend those that may pose a threat to our nation."

The highly successful operation is the latest example of the men and women of CBP working hard every day to secure our borders and keep our nation safe.


Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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