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  4. Trend Continues as Agents Arrest 193 Aliens in Ajo Within 2 Hours

Trend Continues as Agents Arrest 193 Aliens in Ajo Within 2 Hours

Release Date
Wed, 09/19/2018

TUCSON, Ariz. – Ajo Station Border Patrol agents patrolling along the border several miles west of Arizona’s Port of Lukeville encountered two large groups of illegal aliens Sunday, consisting of a combined 193 adults and children.  

In the first incident, 102 people surrendered to Border Patrol agents. About an hour later, agents encountered another 91 illegal aliens in the same area. Both groups were comprised of adults and children, some as young as 1, from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Agents determined most of the people were traveling as families, but 11 children were unaccompanied.

Agents evaluated the 193 illegal aliens and determined no further medical attention was needed. After transporting everyone to the Ajo Border Patrol Station, they were processed for immigration violations.

Transnational criminal organizations exploit the vulnerability of foreign nationals with false promises of legal status and encourage dangerous border crossings, placing lives at risk. 

The Border Patrol’s mission is to protect U.S. borders between official ports of entry but agents are equally concerned with the safety of anyone they encounter. Tucson Sector Border Patrol officials continue to publicize warnings about the dangers of entering the U.S. illegally; especially during the summer months when temperatures can exceed 120 degrees.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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