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CBP and GSA Partner with City of Laredo to Facilitate Commercial Truck Processing via FAST Lanes

Release Date
Fri, 05/21/2021

LAREDO, Texas —U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the General Services Administration (GSA) and the City of Laredo announced a formal partnership today to facilitate commercial truck processing at the World Trade Bridge in Laredo by constructing Free and Secure Trade for Commercial Vehicles (FAST) lanes.

Under CBP’s Donations Acceptance Program, CBP, GSA and the City of Laredo will construct four FAST lanes at the World Trade Bridge over the next 15 to 18 months to facilitate the processing of commercial truck drivers who participate in the FAST program. The City of Laredo will outfit the lanes with the necessary infrastructure and technology.

“The Donations Acceptance Agreement with the City of Laredo is another strong example of federal and local governments working together to create opportunities for American workers and businesses,” said William A. Ferrara, Executive Assistant Commissioner of the CBP Office of Field Operations. “The construction of FAST lanes at the World Trade Bridge will address longstanding infrastructure challenges and facilitate flows of cross-border trade and travel that are vital to our economy.”

Public, elected and agency leadership officials from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, City of Laredo, General Services Administration, Texas Department of Transportation and U.S. House of Representatives among others, turn shovels of dirt at World Trade Bridge to commemorate the groundbreaking for the Donations Acceptance Program project to relocate four FAST lanes outside the import lot facility.
Public, elected and agency leadership officials from
CBP, City of Laredo, GSA, Texas Department of
Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives turn
shovels of dirt to commemorate the groundbreaking of
a Donations Acceptance Program project to relocate
four FAST lanes outside of the World Trade Bridge
import lot to facilitate lawful trade and throughput.

The current port layout and the high volume of commercial truck traffic at the World Trade Bridge causes severe bottlenecking that stretches into Mexico. The FAST lanes will reduce wait times for all travelers at the port by diverting pre-approved, low-risk commercial carriers to designated lanes for expedited processing.

“Partnerships with CBP and local stakeholders on donations projects like this one align with GSA’s vision to provide effective and efficient government for the American people,” said GSA Acting Regional Administrator Giancarlo Brizzi. “Expedited processing of commercial trade with Mexico helps to boost the U.S. economy while supporting CBP’s mission to protect and safeguard our borders while enhancing the nation's economic recovery.”

Trade is a driving factor for the economy of Laredo. In order to further facilitate and expand cross-border trade and travel, the City of Laredo submitted a formal proposal under CBP’s Donations Acceptance Program (DAP) in November 2016 for infrastructure improvements to reduce congestion at the Laredo World Trade Bridge. The Donations Acceptance Agreement announced today formalizes a project that has been years in the making and allows the parties to move forward with constructing the new FAST Lanes.

“This expansion will allow us to continue to be the number one land port in the nation, something we are very proud of,” said Mayor Pete Saenz. “The City of Laredo along with the trade industry welcomes such partnership under CBP’s DAP.”

Pursuant to 6 U.S.C. § 301a, and more generally, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. §§ 112 et seq., as amended, CBP and GSA are authorized to accept donations of real property, personal property (including monetary donations) and non-personal services from private sector and government entities. Accepted donations may be used for port of entry construction, alterations, operations, and maintenance activities.

Public-private partnerships are a key component of CBP’s Resource Optimization Strategy and allow CBP to provide new or expanded services and infrastructure at domestic ports of entry. For more information, visit

Last Modified: May 21, 2021