MINNEAPOLIS— U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in Minneapolis participated in an Honor Flight to salute veterans returning from a one-day visit in Washington D.C. to Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP) on April 27.

personnel stand at attention during an
Honor Flight ceremony welcoming home
veterans from World War II. The next
Honor Flight scheduled for Minneapolis
is in October.
There were military personnel from every branch of service standing at attention to salute the returning Veterans as they exited the gate. One of those saluting the returning veterans was military veteran CBP Officer Karol Strey. “These Veterans were willing to die for our country,” said Strey. “They gave up time with their family and friends. They gave up the very basic comforts of home while being in the military.”
The University of Minnesota band and the Twin Cities Metro Pipes band played music, and the Freedom Riders were there with their flags, while family and friends displayed patriotic signs.
MSP estimated close to 300 people participated in the welcoming home to honor these veterans. “Many of the veterans returning on the Honor Flights are veterans from World War II, and there aren’t many of them still living. Time is running out to honor and salute them,” said Strey. “I think I can give up a little bit of my time to show them my appreciation and thank them for their sacrifices.”
The Honor Flight is a non-profit organization. The organization transports Veterans of World War II and Korean War to Washington, DC to visit their memorials. This flight is done twice a year from Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport to Washington, DC. The next flight is scheduled for October.