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  5. Duluth, MN and Superior, WI, Minnesota - 3510

Duluth, MN and Superior, WI, Minnesota - 3510

Port Type
Port of Entry
Permitted Customs Brokers Listing
Port Code

Location Address

Federal Building, Room 217
515 West First Street
Duluth, MN 55802
United States

Mailing Address
Same as location address

Phone Contact:
+1 218-720-5203
Fax Number:
+1 218-720-5216
Port Director
Alphie J. Clavette II
Office Hours
Sunday: 7:00-23:00CST
Monday: 7:00-23:00CST
Tuesday: 7:00-23:00CST
Wednesday: 7:00-23:00CST
Thursday: 7:00-23:00CST
Friday: 7:00-23:00CST
Saturday: 7:00-23:00CST

Directions to Port Office

Please call (218) 720-5203 during office hours to arrange all CBP services.

Traveling North on Inter-State Highway 35 to Downtown:

Traveling north on Inter-State Highway 35 to Downtown Exit following Superior Street Exit, Left on 4th Avenue West, to Civic Center Complex Building on Far left side

Facilities and Crossings
Duluth International Airport
Phone: (218) 720-5203 
Fax: (218) 720-5216 
Operational Hours: 7:00 AM-23:00 PM (Central), Sunday - Saturday

Please call (218) 720-5203 during office hours to arrange all CBP services.  Advance notice of arrival will ensure that a CBP officer will be available to provide timely service.

Sky Harbor Airport
Phone: (218) 720-5203 
Fax: (218) 720-5216 
Operational Hours: 7:00 AM-23:00 PM (Central), Sunday - Saturday

Please call (218) 720-5203 during office hours to arrange all CBP services.  Advance notice of arrival will ensure that a CBP officer will be available to provide timely service.

Monaco Air General Aviation Facility (GAF)
Phone: (218) 720-5203 
Fax: (218) 720-5216 
Operational Hours: 7:00 AM-23:00 PM (Central), Sunday - Saturday


Customs Examination Station (CES) 
Phone: (218) 720-5203 
Fax: (218) 720-5216 
Operational Hours: 7:00 AM-23:00 PM (Central), Sunday - Saturday


Cruise Terminal
Phone: (218) 720-5203 
Fax: (218) 720-5216 
Operational Hours: 7:00 AM-23:00 PM (Central), Sunday - Saturday


Request for CBP service for arriving international aircraft and vessels outside posted operational hours requires prior approval.  Please call (218) 720-5203 during office hours to arrange all CBP services.  Prior arrangements require a minimum of 24 HRS advance notification.

Contact Information

Pleasure Vessels should call (218) 720-5203 anytime to arrange for clearance.

Last Modified: Mar 07, 2024

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