317 S. Pete Diaz Ave.
Rio Grande City, TX 78582
United States
317 S. Pete Diaz Ave.
Rio Grande City, TX 78582
United States
McAllen, TX
- Follow Highway 83 West. - Travel west approximately 37 miles to Rio Grande City. -The Port Offices are located on Pete Diaz Ave., approximately 1/2 mile south of the intersection of Highway 83 and Pete Diaz Ave.
Rio Grande City Bridge
Phone: (956) 487-1650
Fax: (956) 487-1649
Operational Hours: 8:00 AM-8:00 PM (CST)
Seven Days A Week (7)
Los Ebanos Ferry Crossing
Phone: (956) 485-1084
Fax: (956) 485-2563
Operational Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM (Central)
Seven Days A Week (7)