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Results of the CTPAT University of Houston Study Are Live!

Dear CTPAT Members,

The CTPAT Program is excited to announce that the University of Houston Study has concluded, and the report is now available for viewing. This report, titled “Assessment of Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) Program”, is available for download using the following link:

CTPAT University of Houston Study Results

As we’ve shared previously, CTPAT collaborated with the University of Houston to conduct an independent and in-depth assessment to gauge members’ perceptions regarding the benefits of the program, motivations for participation, and areas for program improvement.  The primary goals of the survey were to identify areas in need of improvement, identify cost-benefit enhancements for industry members, and establish new or build upon existing program performance metrics.  

This report provides a roadmap for effectively continuing and enhancing the mission of the CTPAT Program while facilitating the evolution of the program as part of CBP’s multi-layered cargo enforcement strategy.  Key findings reiterated throughout the report show that a majority of respondents believe CTPAT membership benefits outweigh the cost of program participation. CTPAT is already taking action to address areas of improvement found within the study such as providing increased training for SCSS and looking into a formal mechanism for collecting member feedback.

Looking forward, I am committed to establishing and deploying an internal task force that will be responsible for reviewing key findings, developing action plans, and providing recommendations for overall program improvement. CTPAT will continue to communicate openly and transparently and work with members as we begin to implement these recommendations.

As always, we thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the CTPAT program.

Please stay safe and healthy, 


Manuel A. Garza, Jr.

Director, CTPAT

Office of Field Operations

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Last Modified: May 28, 2021

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