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Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Maintenance and Repair of Patrol and Access Roads on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands in California

Final Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for the Maintenance and Repair of Patrol and Access Roads on Bureau of Land Management Lands in California (March 2024)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announces the availability of the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Proposed Maintenance and Repair of Patrol and Access Roads on Bureau of Land Management Lands in California. The proposed action would occur in the San Diego Station, El Centro Station, and Yuma Station Areas of Responsibility of the U.S. Border Patrol. The Final EA considers the comments received during the public comment period (November 19 - December 20, 2021) of the Draft EA, which analyzed the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with the improvement of approximately 33 miles of existing road segments on BLM-administered lands near the U.S./Mexico international border. Road maintenance and repair on BLM-administered public lands would be done to facilitate USBP patrol interdiction and emergency response along the border to deter and prevent illegal cross-border activity.  


Attachment Ext. Size Date
Final EA: BLM Roads in CA PDF 30.27 MB 04/08/2024
Final FONSI: BLM Roads in CA PDF 21.27 MB 04/05/2024

CBP Publication Number


Last Modified: Apr 09, 2024

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