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Rio Grande Valley Border Barrier Environmental Planning Documents

CBP announces the availability of the Final Environmental Stewardship Plan (ESP) to design and construct up to 20 miles of new border barrier system in Starr County, TX. The proposed project includes 18-foot high, six-inch diameter bollards embedded into a movable, concrete, jersey barrier-style bases. Other system elements of the proposed project include the following:

  • An area of 60- to 100-feet wide to accommodate a Functional Class-2 (FC-2) maintenance road and patrol road
  • Light poles and lighting
  • Gates
  • Cameras
  • Shelters for fiber optic and close-circuit television (CCTV) equipment
  • Erosion and drainage control
  • Access roads
  • Water for construction and dust suppression purposes
  • Laydown yards

The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), pursuant to Section 102(b) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), issued an environmental waiver on October 1, 2019. Although the Secretary’s waiver means that CBP no longer has legal obligations under the laws that are included in the waiver, the Secretary committed DHS to responsible stewardship of the Nation’s valuable natural and cultural resources.

The ESP was prepared following an analysis of the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project following coordination and consultation with resource agencies and other interested stakeholders; evaluation of possible impacts; and identification of measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts. In addition to past public involvement and outreach, CBP has continued to coordinate with various Federal and state agencies during the development of this ESP.

From August to September 2023, CBP sought public input on potential impacts to the environment, culture, and commerce, including potential socioeconomic impacts, and quality of life. The comment period closed on September 15, 2023. Substantive comments received will be used by CBP to inform the environmental review of the projects. In 2022, CBP solicited comments on potential impacts for border barrier development in the Rio Grande Valley area. The comments previously submitted, as well as those received during this comment period, will be considered as part of the planning process.

FOIA Category List
Border Wall Records

CBP Publication Number

3314-0823, 3347-0823, 3432-1023, 3868-1024

Last Modified: Nov 26, 2024

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