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EAPA Consolidated Case 7856: Various Importers (Notice of Determination as to Evasion, September 19, 2024)

EAPA Action: Notice of Determination as to Evasion for EAPA Consolidated Case 7856 – Mattresses 

WASHINGTON— On September 19, 2024, CBP issued the notice of determination as to evasion for EAPA consolidated case 7856 filed by Zinus USA Inc., against U.S. importers Beanomy Inc., IYEE Nature Inc., Kelanch Inc., Wakodo Household Supply Inc., Xinshidian Trading Inc., Zevoky Inc., Kakaivy, Inc., Weekaly Inc., Heniddy Inc., Ryan James Engineering LLC, Sunwind Trading Inc., and Anlowo Inc. (collectively, the Importers), for evasion of AD/CVD orders A-570-092 and C-570-128 on mattresses from China. Specifically, evidence on the record indicates that the Importers transshipped Chinese-origin mattresses through South Korea. CBP has determined that there is substantial evidence of evasion of AD/CVD duties by the Importers and, therefore, CBP issued a formal notice of determination as to evasion and has taken enforcement actions. 

In light of CBP’s findings, CBP will: 

CBP will suspend or continue to suspend the entries covered by this investigation, until instructed to liquidate. 

For those entries previously extended in accordance with Interim Measures, CBP will rate adjust and change those entries to type 03 and continue suspension until instructed to liquidate these entries. 

CBP will continue to evaluate the Importers’ continuous bonds in accordance with CBP’s policies. 

For additional information on CBP and EAPA, please visit the EAPA Homepage. If you suspect an importer of duty evasion, CBP encourages you to submit an allegation through our online portal.

Follow CBP Office of Trade on X @CBPTradeGov.

Last Modified: Sep 26, 2024

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