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  4. TBT-10-006 Amendments under the Haiti Economic Lift Program Act of 2010 (Help Act)

TBT-10-006 Amendments under the Haiti Economic Lift Program Act of 2010 (Help Act)


  • QBT-08-108  2009 Apparel Subject to Restraint Limits and/or Visa Requirements Under Haiti HOPE II
  • TBT-07-006  Haiti HOPE Implementation Instructions
  • TBT-07-008  Haiti HOPE Entry Processing Update
  • TBT-08-003  Submission of Haiti HOPE Declaration of Compliance for Apparel
  • TBT-08-013  Amendments under Haiti HOPE II for Certain Apparel and Other Articles


On May 24, 2010 the Haiti Economic Lift Program of 2010 (HELP Act) was signed into law, expanding the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act and the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2008 (Haiti HOPE II) to contribute to Haiti’s economic growth and development.  Presidential Proclamation 8596, dated November 1, 2010 and published in the Federal Register (75 FR 213) on November 4, 2010, implements provisions of the HELP Act, which modify HOPE II.  The Proclamation, Annex II, identifies the changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Chapter 98, Subchapter XX.

The modifications are in effect as of November 1, 2010 for goods that are entered or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption, and will continue for the specific time period provided for under each subdivision as noted.  This administrative notice details the modifications set forth in Annex II of the Proclamation. 


  1. Preferential duty treatment for products under headings 9820.61.25 and 9820.61.30 is extended to 2018, modifying the percentage of value added for the annual period.
  2. Two new headings are inserted into the HTS: 9820.61.45 and 9820.63.05
  3. As outlined in QBT 10-103, Tariff Preference Level limits have been increased for knit and woven apparel.
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TBT-10-006 HELP Act Changes.pdf PDF 26.05 KB 01/12/2015
Last Modified: Feb 23, 2015