The CBP FOIA Reading Room serves as a central resource for public access to government records, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(2). This room supports transparency and accountability by providing direct access to essential records and information. Visitors can review reports, policies, and other official documents to gain insight into government operations.
No Fear Act | Significant Records of Interest
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is committed to a workplace free from harassment, unlawful discrimination, and reprisal. All employees must refrain from engaging in
Preventing and Addressing Workplace Harassment | Significant Records of Interest
This course will define harassment, as prohibited by DHS policy, and explain how DHS's definition of harassment is broader than the legal definition of harassment
Preventing and Addressing Sexual Abuse in CBP Holding Facilites | Significant Records of Interest
This course implements specific training requirements mandated by DHS to prevent, detect and respond to sexual abuse and assault in confinement facilities.
Texas Buoy/Wire Barrier | Significant Records of Interest
Records released regarding the Texas Buoy Barrier along the Rio Grande.
CBP Office of the Chief Medical Officer Guidance | Directives
The Office of the Chief Medical Officer (OCMO) serves as the principal health and medical advisory office for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). OCMO
Requirement to Use Legal Nonpolitical Terminology | Significant Records of Interest
A memorandum to all U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) offices on the updated requirement to use legal, nonpolitical terminology, which goes into effect immediately.
Border Search Of Electronic Devices | Significant Records of Interest
CBP is authorized to inspect all merchandise and persons crossing the border, both inbound and outbound, pursuant to its authority to conduct border searches to
This directive is related to U.S. Customs and Border Protection law enforcement responses to certain crimes, incidents, and imminent life-threatening emergencies and federal, state, local
Monthly FOIA Logs CY 2024 | FOIA Logs
The following documents are the monthly FOIA logs for calendar year 2024.
Civil Unrest and Disturbance Related to the Death of George Floyd Released by CBP | Significant Records of Interest
Associated audio and video located at:
CU Part 1:
(Civil Unrest) AMO UAS Flight 5/29/20 (Minneapolis, MN) SOG Chief Sullivan for WSJ on Portland Portland
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