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Area Port of Pembina issues holiday travel advisory for Christmas, New Year's

Release Date
Tue, 12/20/2016

PEMBINA, N.D. — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations is reminding travelers planning trips across the border into the United States this holiday season to plan ahead and anticipate increased traffic volumes.

Border traffic volumes are expected to significantly increase during the upcoming holiday weekends.  All travelers are reminded of a few simple steps they can employ to cross the border more efficiently.

The Pembina, N.D., Port of Entry
  1. Check out the new CBP informational website

    The CBP site has been completely redesigned to help users quickly access the content they need. It also is optimized for access by smart phones and makes use of a new content delivery network that will improve access internationally.

  2. Beat the border rush

    Cross during off-peak times, such as before 6 a.m. or after 3 p.m. Most lines at the border start building in the morning and carry on into early afternoon.

    Monitor wait times for the ports of International Falls, Minnesota, and Pembina, North Dakota. Information is updated hourly and is useful in planning trips and identifying periods of light use/short waits.

  3. Keep travel documents handy

    Make sure each passenger has the correct travel document accessible and ready to give to the CBP officer.

    If you are a frequent international traveler and have not already become a member of a trusted traveler program, sign up now. For more information, please visit CBP’s Trusted Traveler site.

  4. Know the contents of your vehicles and be prepared to declare all items

    Travelers are required to declare all items being imported into the United States from Canada. If you are not sure about what to declare, do not hesitate to ask the CBP officer.

  5. Know what food products can be imported

    Many fruits, meats, dairy and poultry products are prohibited from being imported into the United States from Canada.

    For more information, view prohibited and restricted items.

  6. Declare all firearms

    Travelers are reminded that specific requirements must be met to import or export firearms and ammunition to/from the United States. For more information on the importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition visit the ATF, State Department, and Commerce Department websites or contact CBP at 701-825-5800.

  7. Leave medical marijuana at home

    Although medical marijuana is legal in many U.S states and Canada, the sale, possession, production and distribution of marijuana all remain illegal under federal law.

    Our dual mission is to facilitate travel in the United States while we secure our borders, our people and our visitors from those that would do us harm like terrorists and terrorist weapons, criminals and contraband.

    For more information on international traveling into the United States visit CBP’s Travel site.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021