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Border Patrol Agent Assaulted While Apprehending Group

Release Date
Mon, 11/30/2020
For More Information
Greg L. Davis, Big Bend Sector Public Affairs, 202-839-1817,

A Border Patrol Agent was assaulted by a subject presumed to be illegally present in the United States during an apprehension in a remote area.

While apprehending a group of five subjects early in the morning of Nov. 27th, one subject forcefully resisted arrest and punched the agent in the face in an attempt to get away. He subsequently tried to disarm the agent as they struggled, but was unsuccessful. The subject was subdued and taken in to custody without further incident.


The aggressor and agent were evaluated by medical professionals and found to have minor injuries that did not require further attention.


“Border Patrol Agents are highly trained federal law enforcement officers,” said Big Bend Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Chris T. Clem. “Encounters like this highlight the potential dangers faced in the course of their duties, even with the COVID-19 Pandemic, smugglers keep bringing people and contraband into the United States illegally, adding to the risk and I commend the agent for his actions in the face of adversity.”

An internal investigation in to the incident was conducted with the aid of the FBI. Andre Mainor-Velasquez, a Guatemalan citizen, was charged with multiple immigration violations under the law, as were the others in the group. Mainor-Velasquez will be further prosecuted under 18 USC 111, (assault of a federal officer).

Big Bend Sector Border Patrol agents, patrol 517 miles of the southwest border, an area that extends from Sierra Blanca, Texas to Sanderson, Texas. The Van Horn Station area of responsibility consists of 31.1 miles of border with Mexico, and approximately 4,965 square miles of terrain.

 The U.S. Border Patrol is made up of over 19,000 brave men and women who courageously secure our nation’s borders.  Help us secure our homeland, find out more at


Last Modified: Nov 09, 2021