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Border Patrol Agents Aid Unaccompanied Children in Arizona

Release Date
Wed, 01/13/2010

Nogales, Ariz. - U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Nogales, Ariz. station rescued two unaccompanied children yesterday who were seen being pushed through the International Boundary fence into an inhospitable area.

An agent who responded to the scene was unable to locate any adults in the area related to the children. The agent took the children to the Nogales station for their safety as the area that they were in was unsafe for children.

At the station, agents learned that the children were five and two years old but were not related to each other. Agents were unable to obtain further information including the children's citizenship and contacted Child Protective Services. Juvenile aliens represent a particularly vulnerable population that requires special care and treatment to ensure their safety and protection. In situations where citizenship is determined, the juvenile's country of origin's consular office would be contacted in attempts to have the child regroup with their family.

This sort of incident is rare for the Tucson Sector Border Patrol, although it is common to see children and even infants in the desert. Although we are committed to securing our Nation's border, we are also committed to assisting those in need, regardless of the individual's legal status. The Border Patrol has conducted 36 rescues in the first three months of fiscal year 2010. During the same time period last year the Tucson Sector conducted 28 rescues.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021