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Border Patrol Big Bend Sector and Presidio Port of Entry Add 12 New Emergency Medical Technicians

Release Date
Tue, 04/23/2019

MARFA, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol Big Bend Sector graduates twelve new Emergency Medical Technicians.

Newly trained EMT's.
Newly trained EMT's.

Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Matthew J. Hudak said, “I want to personally congratulate these new EMT’s. We work in some of the most rugged and desolate areas along the U.S. Mexico border. These 12 additional EMT’s will be able to provide emergency medical assistance to our agents and officers, and will also be a lifesaving resource to the communities we serve

Students graduated a rigorous 7-week classroom and scenario based course on April 12.  The course exposed the students to real life scenarios they could see on a day to day basis during their law enforcement duties. The EMT designation is an added duty for the participating students.

The 10 U.S. Border Patrol agents who graduated from the course came from throughout Big Bend Sector which extends from Sierra Blanca to Sanderson.  Additionally, two students were U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers from the Presidio, Texas Port of Entry. The EMT’s are required to pass their national certification prior to rendering aide as official EMT’s.

Big Bend Sector Border Patrol agents, patrol 517 miles of the southwest border, an area that extends from Sierra Blanca, Texas to Sanderson, Texas. 

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021