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Border Patrol Helps Prepare Local Schools for Mass Casualty Incidents in Calais, Maine

Release Date
Tue, 03/12/2019
Border Patrol Agent Lombardo provides training at local school
Border Patrol Agent Lombardo
provides training at a local school.

Calais, Maine – U.S. Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Calais Station developed a unique pilot program that provides training to local school officials in the use of Individual First Aid kits (IFAKS). These kits contain basic medical equipment capable of treating massive bleeding and maintaining an airway in an emergency situation.   

The training program allows Border Patrol Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) to provide hands-on training to area teachers and school staff members.  The curriculum is centered on the use and deployment of an IFAK. In the hands of a trained individual, these kits can make the difference in saving a life during an emergency incident.   

“By partnering with the schools, this IFAK training will provide potential lifesaving skills to school staff members,” said Houlton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Jason D. Owens.  "The hope is to increase survivability rates following any sort of mass casualty incident at the local schools.”

This familiarization course is provided free of charge and has trained 51 teachers and staff members at the Princeton and Calais School Districts.  Calais Station EMTs will return to Princeton again this month to continue with the IFAK familiarization.


Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021