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  4. CBP Announces Temporary Change To Commercial Traffic Pattern At Derby Line Port Of Entry

CBP Announces Temporary Change To Commercial Traffic Pattern At Derby Line Port Of Entry

Release Date
Thu, 02/09/2017

DERBY LINE, Vt. —  U.S. Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry at Derby Line (Interstate 91), Vt., continues to undergo extensive construction to replace the existing port building and surrounding infrastructure. As part of this project, commercial vehicle entrances will be modified for several months to allow construction of new passenger and commercial vehicle lanes. 

Derby Line POE construction
Derby Line POE construction 

Beginning on Monday, February 13, commercial truck traffic will be routed through the eastern portion of the port complex. This lane is behind the main port building and commercial operators are asked to enter the port on the left side. 

Commercial trucks may only cross to the left lane of Auto Route 55 after the Route 247 intersection, and only when the intersection is clear and safe to proceed. The emergency turnaround north of the Caswell Avenue overpass should not be blocked for any reason.

Commercial bus operators will enter the port as normal, but are advised that they will be sharing this lane with commercial trucks.

The estimated completion of this phase of construction and traffic pattern shift is May 30, 2017. 

Commercial truck and bus operators should be aware that delays may be expected during peak volume times. Due to construction activity there will be limited parking space for commercial trucks requiring additional processing and inspection at the I-91 facility.

CBP’s alternate full-service commercial ports are in Highgate Springs, Vt. and Norton, Vt. 

Additionally, CBP operates permit ports of entry in North Troy, Vt., Canaan, Vt., Beecher Falls, Vt. and Pittsburg, N.H., in the Derby Line area. In the Highgate Springs area the ports of Alburg, Alburg Springs, Morses Line, West Berkshire, and Richford offer permit opportunities. 

Commercial operators who are interested in attaining a CBP commercial permit, or have questions regarding a permit should contact the Area Port of St. Albans at (802) 527-3319.

CBP asks that commercial and passenger vehicle operators exercise patience. CBP encourages cross-border travelers to check CBP’s Border Wait Times dashboard or the CBP Border Wait Times application for mobile devices before initiating cross-border travel, and consider using alternate CBP ports of entry for their travel needs.

The U.S. General Services Administration is the project manager.  DEW Construction of Burlington, VT is the general contractor.  For details on the project, visit

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021