BUFFALO, N.Y. – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers and personnel were recognized today by the Federal Executive Board (FEB) for their excellence in government.
“Our employees exemplify the CBP mission and work tirelessly to enhance the nation’s safety, security and prosperity through collaboration, innovation and integration,” said Acting Director Rose Hilmey of the CBP Buffalo Field Office. “The employees recognized today are just a few of the hundreds of employees throughout the Buffalo Field Office that dedicate themselves to public service.”

The FEB presented the “Team Award” to a group of 19 CBP officers and managers for their role in the Cargo Pre-Inspection Pilot that took place at the Peace Bridge port of entry.
The FEB presented the “Team Award” to a group of 19 CBP officers and managers for their role in the Cargo Pre-Inspection Pilot that took place at the Peace Bridge port of entry. The Cargo Pre-Inspection Pilot Team has made significant contributions to CBP's trade mission. Testing the feasibility of a new and innovative way of conducting inspections at land border ports of entry, the team creatively and enthusiastically planned and developed the project in two phases, covering two land border crossings between the U.S. and Canada. Team members established cooperative relationships with bi-national government agencies and trade stakeholders, helping them to achieve their goals. CBP will apply lessons from the pilot to improve commercial processing and increase the flow of trade. The team demonstrated the level of superior performance expected of a world-class law enforcement agency.
The FEB also presented the “Special Project Award” to CBP Officer Kevin Parks. Officer Parks organized local blood drives in conjunction with Unyts. Unyts conducted blood drives at the ports of entry in Buffalo and Niagara Falls during work hours so CBP employees could donate blood. More than 170 units of blood were donated, saving more than 500 lives. Officer Parks' commitment to this cause was a direct reflection of his dedication to his community.
"Today's event not only recognizes those selected to receive awards, it also recognizes everyone nominated, the supervisors and managers who took the time to write the nominations, the guests who came to honor their co-workers, and most important the family members who support those of us in federal service,” said Executive Director Paul Kendzierski of the Buffalo Federal Executive Board. “In my 15 years of coordinating this event, I am in awe of the western New York federal workforce. They are extraordinary people doing extraordinary tasks."