U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Laredo Field Office
Business Resumption Update
June 2, 2017 0800 hours
CBP Laredo Port of Entry announces current hours of operation and modes of commercial traffic processed by CBP for June 2:
World Trade Bridge
Imports (Mexico to the U.S.A.)
7 a.m. to midnight or beyond until last queued truck processed.
CBP will process the following modes of commercial traffic:
Empties (tractors and trailers) and including automotive racks in empty trailers which are considered items of international commerce
FAST and C-TPAT certified companies
Informal Entries
Agriculture (perishables)
Automotive products
FDA-regulated products: FDA will monitor these shipments electronically and place holds as deemed necessary to coordinate further inspection

Tributaria, Aduana de Nuevo Laredo conduct
temporary coordinated inspections at World
Trade Bridge import lot dock in
collaboration with CBP as part of ongoing
bi-national business resumption efforts at
World Trade Bridge
Exports (U.S.A. to Mexico)
7 a.m. to midnight or beyond until last queued truck processed
All modes of commercial traffic processed
Imports (Mexico to the U.S.A.)
7 a.m. to midnight or beyond until last queued truck is processed
All modes of commercial traffic processed
Exports (U.S.A. to Mexico)
7 a.m. to midnight (or beyond until last queued truck processed)
All modes of commercial traffic processed
All of the aforementioned information has been confirmed and is done in coordination with Servicio de Administración Tributaria, Aduana de Nuevo Laredo.
CBP strongly encourages the international trade community to maximize use of early morning hours, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., since during these hours we have minimal traffic.