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CBP Officers in Alexandria Bay Seize Narcotics and Firearm Resulting in Two Arrests

Release Date
Fri, 08/24/2018

ALEXANDRIA BAY, N.Y. – On August 22, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers made two separate seizures resulting in separate arrests at the Alexandria Bay port of entry.

CBP officers at Alexandria Bay encountered a male U.S. citizen claiming to be returning to his home in New Jersey after a one-night stay in Canada. Officers searched the subject’s vehicle, where approximately 12 grams of psilocybin mushrooms and 15 grams of marijuana were discovered inside a backpack within the vehicle. The subject was arrested and turned over to New York State Police, along with the narcotics.

In a separate incident on the same date, CBP officers at the Alexandria Bay port of entry also encountered a U.S. citizen from Texas traveling with a 9MM Glock handgun. The subject did not have proper documentation to possess the handgun in New York State. Both the subject and handgun were turned over to New York State Police for further processing.

“While CBP’s number one mission is to prevent terrorism in our homeland, our CBP Officers continually work to keep narcotics and weapons out of our community,” said Alexandria Bay Area Port Director Timothy Walker. “Our officers work tirelessly to secure our border ensuring that illicit items are not entering our country.”

Alexandira Bay, N.Y. port of entry
Last Modified: Mar 27, 2024

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