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  4. CBP Officers at Laredo Port of Entry Seize Crystal Meth, Marijuana Valued at $393,000

CBP Officers at Laredo Port of Entry Seize Crystal Meth, Marijuana Valued at $393,000

Release Date
Wed, 01/20/2010

Laredo, Texas - U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Laredo port of entry seized nearly 26 pounds of crystal methamphetamines and three pounds of marijuana in two separate seizure cases in the last few days at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge.

The most recent seizure occurred on Monday, January 18, when CBP officers referred a 1999 Plymouth Voyager driven by a 32-year-old male Mexican citizen residing in San Antonio, Texas for a secondary examination. CBP officers noticed discrepancies in the vehicle's firewall during the secondary inspection. CBP Canine "Darco" alerted to the odor of narcotics emanating from the vehicle while a non-intrusive imaging system scan resulted positive with anomalies detected in the same area. CBP officers conducted an intensive examination of the vehicle's firewall and discovered 11 bundles that contained nearly 13 pounds of crystal methamphetamines and three pounds of marijuana.

The other seizure occurred last Saturday, January 16 at the same bridge when CBP officers encountered a 1993 Nissan Tsuru being driven by a 34-year-old male Mexican citizen from Celaya, Guanajuato and referred it for further inspection. During the inspection, CBP canine "Sita" alerted officers to the odor of narcotics emanating from the vehicle's front bumper.

An X-ray scan of the vehicle revealed anomalies in the same area. CBP officers conducted a closer inspection of the bumper and retrieved four bundles that contained 13 pounds of crystal methamphetamines.

CBP officers seized the narcotics that have a combined estimated street value of $393,000. CBP officers arrested both drivers and turned them over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents who investigated the seizures. Both drivers could face federal drug charges. CBP officers also seized both vehicles.

"The detection of these drug loads can be attributed to the combination of both our officers' skills and the keen olfactory instinct that CBP drug detection dogs provide in intercepting smuggling attempts," said Gene Garza, port director in Laredo, Texas.

Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021