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  4. CBP Operations In St. Thomas Temporarily Relocated at the Cyril E. King Airport and Blyden Terminal

CBP Operations In St. Thomas Temporarily Relocated at the Cyril E. King Airport and Blyden Terminal

Release Date
Mon, 02/10/2020

ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) pre departure operations in the Cyril E. King Airport (CEK) Terminal and operations at the Edward W. Blyden Marine Terminal on St. Thomas have been temporarily relocated until further notice.  

The Virgin Islands Port Authority is addressing emergency issues it found during construction projects being conducted at both terminals this week.   

CBP has relocated their operations to ensure that travel and commerce will not be interrupted while VIPA completes the repairs.  At the CEK Airport, passengers will clear at Checkpoint A near Gate 1.  Longer wait times are anticipated.   

CBP operations at the Blyden Marine Terminal have been temporarily relocated to the Urman V. Fredericks Marine Terminal in Red Hook.   

All foreign passenger vessels, including the ferries from the British Virgin Islands, will clear CBP at Red Hook until the Blyden Terminal is reopened.   

Cargo vessels will be cleared at CEK Airport entrance and clearance window.  

CBP Cargo Operations will operate as follows: 

  • Formal Entries will be processed at the Ron De Lugo Federal Building from
    0800 – 1530.  The office can be reached at 340-774-2510
  • Informal Entries / personal shipments will be processed at the Air Cargo Facility located behind the CEK Airport next to FedEx from 0800 – 1530.  The office can be reached at 340-779-7208
  • Foreign Cargo vessel arrivals will be processed out of the WICO office.  The office can be reached at 340-774-4420.
  • Entrance and Clearance of Cargo vessels will continue to be cleared at the CEK Airport entrance and clearance window located in the hallway adjacent to the Liat Airline ticket counter.
Last Modified: Feb 03, 2021

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